List do sprawdzenia

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Jako,że jutro maturak dzisiaj ćwicze listy prosze sprawdzić,napisać co źle jakies wskazówki może

Thanks you for your last letter

Thanks you for invitation to holiday in Chicago .
Chicago is a beautiful city.
I wos not in Chicago.
How we will get there?
Where wi will be staying?
While in the Usa I want to visit the big citys.I want see Los Angeles and Miami.
I want to visit the beaches and skyscrapers out last holiday in Barcelona was good.
I remember I won a tournament in a billards on our common holidays in Barcelona.
I will never forget and I believe that our holidays in the Usa will be better than the last .
Together we will spend a nice time.

See you soon on Chicago
'Thanks' (zle slowo, tutaj Thank) you for (napisz czyja) invitation to holiday in Chicago .
I 'wos' (blad ortog ale i tak masz tutaj zly czas...I have never...) not in Chicago.
How 'we will' (tutaj dlatego ze masz pytanie, to musi byc 'will we') get there?
Where 'wi' (blad ortog) (will' (tutaj tez trzeba 'will we') be staying?
While in the Usa I want to visit the big 'citys' (nie, tutaj cities). I want (cos brak) see Los Angeles and Miami.
I want to visit the beaches and skyscrapers. 'out' (cos tu nie tak) last holiday in Barcelona was good.
I remember I won a tournament in 'a' (nie dajemy przedimka przed l. mn) billards on our 'common' (zle slowo, tutaj 'joint') holidays in Barcelona.
I will never forget (ale czego?) and I believe that our holidays in the Usa will be better than the last .
See you soon 'on' IN Chicago
I believe that our holidays in the Usa will be better than the last. nie rozumiem tego
Cytat: Aaric
I believe that our holidays in the Usa will be better than the last. nie rozumiem tego

bo brakuje na koncu...ones.
Hi Bob
thank you for your last letter

when i was in denmark i met a famous person.famous person is anthony joshua.i went to him and i was begining conversation .anthony is a hopeful(promise?)english boxer.he is a good person and boxer.he said me that him grandfather was a pole and he said me that he a lot trains because he wants to be the best on world. i will well remember the meeting.i knew that famous person is also good man. i hope that we will meet anew.

see you soon


Pomoc językowa - Sprawdzenie


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