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"Recognizable. Less an abyss than a well-marked pothole.
Zdanie jest w takim kontekście:
Or there wasn't, until artist and writer John Koenig, 32, decided he needed to create one. "For years I would get these sudden, stabbing chills when falling asleep, as I remembered that I was going to die one day: This is not a game or rehearsal. This is it. Life is slipping away second by second," he says. After some linguistic research, he christened the feeling moriturism. "Once I gave a name to it, it felt somehow OK," he explains. "Recognizable. Less an abyss than a well-marked pothole. Now it doesn't bother me as much, because I feel like I can control it."
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przyklad 5
w tlumaczeniu zacznij 'od tylu" drugiego zdania i uzyj 'bardziej', a nie 'mniej'
Dzień dobry. Czy zwrot w języku angielskim ,,dziecinnie proste" będzie brzmiał ,,child 's play"?