bardzo proszę o sprawdzenie pytań,(dotyczących wymarzonego weekendu) w drugim trybie warunkowym

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
1.What would you do during your dream weekend?
2.Where would you spend your dream weekend?
3.With who would you spend your dream weekend?
4.Would it be for you a dream weekend if you spent little time with famous people?
5.Would it be for you an ideal weekend if you won a lot of money in lottery?
6.Would you spend a dream weekend at the seaside?
7.Would it be your ideal weekend if the weather was good?
8.Would it be your dream weekend if your partner became to you with a new car?
9.Would it be your dream weekend if your sister archived success at the work?
10.Would it be your dream weekend if you could spent the time with all family?