Key word transformations - pomoc

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
1. Sheila hasn't cleaned the house yet.
Sheila ......... the house / still
2. She hasn't been going to the gym for six months
The last time she..........six months ago /went
3.When did Sally get her puppy?
How long.....her puppy? /since
4. He hasn't been jogging for a week.
The last......a week ago /was
No nie, wiesz, wcale nie próbowałam, lol.
Dobra, z tym sobie jednak jakoś poradziłam, ale nie potrafię tego rozgryźć

1.Steve loves people telling him jokes.
Steve.......jokes / told
2. She pays someone to clean the house every week.
She.........every week /cleaned
1. strona bierna po loves
2/ causative have
Cytat: xaxa1
1. Sheila hasn't cleaned the house yet.
Sheila .is still cleaning........ the house / still
2. She hasn't been going to the gym for six months
The last time she.went to the gym was.........six months ago /went
3.When did Sally get her puppy?
How long ago since Sally have got.....her puppy? /since
4. He hasn't been jogging for a week.
The last.time he jogged was.....a week ago /was
Cytat: xaxa1
No nie, wiesz, wcale nie próbowałam, lol.
Dobra, z tym sobie jednak jakoś poradziłam, ale nie potrafię tego rozgryźć

1.Steve loves people telling him jokes.
Steve loves to be told(loves being told).......jokes / told
2. She pays someone to clean the house every week.
She.has the house cleaned........every week /cleaned
3. how long has it been since she got her puppy
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.


Pomoc językowa - Sprawdzenie