Proszę o sprawdzenie

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
in the picture I can see my deram school. This is a very large building which stand out. School is located of the beaten trach and next door is a park. School is very cutting edge and out of the ordidery. building is build red brick and has a gray roof. In schools has a lot of windows so in the middle is very clear. Befor the school is a large car park and some greenery.The main entrance to the school is glazed and has illuminated roof, fastenced on the columns. In the middle is a lot of space. Corridors are clean and tidy and cutting edge. the are lockers for students. All classrooms ale very colorful and cozy. Most of them have computers and lehrmittel. In school are chemical, biology. physics and languages laboratory. In the school is canteen with very good food and the gym. Apart from the gym in school are ball room and (sala teatralna nie wiem jak to powiedzieć).For school is playground where games the match. In school are a football and volleyball team, a cheerleaders and circle paintings, historical, chemical and drama. All over the place are nice atmosphere. according from me in my ideal school schood be uniforms. girsl schould wear check skirts and ties, white blouses and juckets. Boys schould wear a dark suits, white blouses and check ties. This is my dream school. Although my school is not like a dream and so I like to go there, even though I'm up to my ears in homework. Bardzo proszę o szybkie sprawdzenie i poprawienie błędów gdyż ta praca jest na jutro. Z gory dziękuję.


Pomoc językowa - Sprawdzenie


Pomoc językowa - Sprawdzenie