dialog jak wyginie rasa ludzka

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
A; Have you watch on the tv program"What will happen in the future?''?
B; Yes , that program was instructive
A; How do you think the human race will become extinct?
B; I think that erupts super-volcano
.A: I don't think erupts volcano that a the whole human race.
I think that a terrorist attack is more probable.
B; you've got a point, but I don't believe that weapons of mass destruction kill all people.
A; that's so true but What do you think of viral pandemic?
B: That is a serious problem which might bring about many deaths as influenza in 1918 year
A Oh my God! It's terrible, we must get vaccinated against influenza
B; I agree with you.

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była bym wdzięczna za sprawdzenie tego dialogu pod względem gramatycznym , i czy zdania są sensowne

A; Have you watch on the tv program"What will happen in the future?''?
B; Yes , that program was instructive
A; How do you think the human race will become extinct?
B; I think that erupts super-volcano
.A: I don't think erupts volcano that a the whole human race.
I think that a terrorist attack is more probable.
B; you've got a point, but I don't believe that weapons of mass destruction kill all people.
A; that's so true but What do you think of viral pandemic?
B: That is a serious problem which might bring about many deaths as influenza in 1918 year
A Oh my God! It's terrible, we must get vaccinated against influenza
B; I agree with you.

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Cytat: aneet7181993
była bym wdzięczna za sprawdzenie tego dialogu pod względem gramatycznym , i czy zdania są sensowne

A; Have you watch(ed) the tv program"What will happen in the future?''?
B; Yes , that program is instructive
A; How do you think the human race will extinct? (extint znaczy wyginac , begin jest niepotrzebne)
B; I think super-volcano will erupt (poprawne sformulowanie to volcano eruption/ erupts)
.A: I don't think volcano that a the whole human race. (szczerze to to zdanie jest troche bez sensu, o co chodzilo? I dont think volcano will erupt.. i co dalej?)
I think that a terrorist attack is more probable.
B; you've got a point, but I don't believe that weapons of mass destruction kill all people.
A; that's true but What do you think of viral pandemic?
B: That is a serious problem which might cause many victims like influenza in 1918 year
A Oh my God! It's terrible, we must get vaccinated against influenza
B; I agree with you.

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