a letter of advice

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
I read your letter and I'd like to give you some advice. I know that you aren't in good situation because in school we spend the rest of life. I will try to help you.

In the first place, It might be a good idea if you don't care and don't worry, it will be difficult for you but effective and older kids bored to tease you.

Secondly, if you can't ignore this situation, you can change the school and start a new life with new friends.

In my opinion the problem is in yourself. You should be more confident. What about your self-esteem?Appearance doesn't matter, everyone has some defect, nobody is perfect. Everybody deserve the respect. You can't permit to walk all over you.
I know that you 'aren't' (napisz to poprawnie - kto nauczyl Cie tego dziwactwa?) in (brak przedimka) good situation because 'in school we spend the rest of life' (to jest nie prawda - w szkole calego zycia?).

In the first place, it might be a good idea if you don't care and don't worry, it will be difficult for you but effective and older kids (tutaj brakuje 2 slowa) bored 'to tease' (zla czesc mowy) you.

Everybody 'deserve' (popraw) 'the' (niepotr) respect. You can't permit (komu? czemu? brakuje) to walk all over you.
Co jest złego w aren't?
nic - tylko jakos tego nie widze, jako formalne slowo. Na ulicy to kazdy moze 'gadac i mialkoczyc jezykiem' jak jemu sie podoba. Jak juz cos piszesz, to powinno to miec rece i nogi i dlatego uzywa sie 'are not'.
A I'd jest formalne?