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My dream job is to pilot airplanes. From childhood I dreamed to fly an airplane. Although I never had the opportunity to fly it is still one of my biggest dreams. I believe that the work of the pilot is very interesting because the pilot has the opportunity to explore the world. I always dreamed of traveling. I'd most like to become a pilot airliners. I think it is interesting work, and you can earn a lot. The only downside is that it is hard to start a family because the whole time you are traveling.

Jeśli ktoś może to niech to sprawdzi i WYTKNIE błędy :D Temat wypowiedzi : My dream job.
My dream job is to pilot airplanes.
zyjesz, a wiec opowiadajac o swojej hsitorii uzyjesz Present Perfect
SINCE childhood I PRES PERF dreamed OF FLYING an airplane. Although I PRESPERF never had the opportunity to fly it is still one of my biggest dreams. I believe that the work of A pilot is very interesting because A pilot has the opportunity to explore the world. I PRESPERF always dreamed of traveling. I'd most like to become a pilot airliners. CHCESZ ZOSTAC PILOTOWYM SAMOLOTAMI LINIOWYMI? I think it is interesting work, and you can earn a lot. The only downside is that it is hard to start a family because you are traveling ALL THE TIME.
dzięki :D


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