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Yesterday I left very imporant notes for me in corridor building University of London. I need to get back it, because I going to finish school and in this notes I've got half of Master's Thesis. If you find any notes in the corridor, please call me on my number of phone 7[tel]. For finder I will pay 100 zlotych.

z góry dzięki!
Yesterday I left very imporant notes for me in (brak przedimka) corridor building (tu brak 2 slowa) University of London. I need to get 'back it' (czy to jest jakis rozkaz- Back it!)? popraw), because I (tu brakuje slowa) going to finish school and in 'this' (l. mnoga- popraw) notes I've got half of (brak slowa) Master's Thesis. If you find any notes in the corridor, please call me on 'my number of phone' (popraw, mowimy 'phone number' a nie number of phone') 7[tel]. 'For finder I will pay 100 zlotych' (Mozna napisac ze jest 'nagroda za znalezienie').

z góry dzięki![/quote]