rozprawka maturalna, bardzo prosze o sprawdzenie

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Wiele osób twierdzi, że hipermarkety to najlepsze miejsce do robienia zakupów. Napisz rozprawkę, w której przedstawisz swoją opinię na ten temat.

A lot of people think that hypermarkets are the best places for shopping. I agree with that and I would like to present some positive sides of buying in that kind of shops.
Firstly, the society suffer from the lack of time. If you are going to hypermarket, you can buy everything you want in one place. It caused that you don’t waste your time.
Secondly, on the shelves there are many kind of products which you are looking for. Every customers have a choice which products they would like to buy.
In addition, if you are not sure about product which you want to buy and have in the trolley - change your mind and shelve it. You have a lot of time at hypermarket for the last decision.
Moreover, hypermarkets usually offer many discounts for various products. Before events (for example Christmas holidays) you can get food, decorations or gifts for your family in cheaper prices than in another seasons.
To sum up, it seems to me that the buying in hypermarkets are the best way for saving time and money. Nowadays, a lot of people are looking for doing shopping in places where can find everything they need and for reasonable prices.


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