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Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
W gazecie angielskiej ukazal sie artykul o koniecznosci wprowadzania oplat za studia nie zgadzasz sie z ta opinia.Napisz list do redakcji wyrazajacy twoje zdanie. Zamiesc w nim opowiedzi na nastepujace pytania: !. dla kogo beda platne studia 2. czy fakt ze studia beda platne nie wplynie to na ich poziom ? 3.czy nie trzeba bedzie zamknac nie ktorych kieronkow studiow? 4. czy fakt ze studia sa platne, nie ograniczy to liczby osob wyksztalconych?

Dear Editor,

I am writing in response to your article connected with the possibility of paying for studies, which was published in 'The Times' two weeks ago.
I would like to say that I completely disagree with the opinion that extra payments are necessary.

I think that, becouse I have some objections about it. At first, could you tell me who exacly will be paying for studing? If everybody will, could it be possible that lavel of education fall down?
Secondly, if Universities do not have enough number of student, some specializations will be closed?
And the last question: Is there any way that we will not have as many well-educated person in the country as now?

It would be greatful if you could published my letter. I wonder what other readers think about the topic.

Your faithfully,

Bardzo prosze o sprawdzenie i poprawienie błędów, bo na pewno jest ich cała masa;):))
Nikt nie pomoze?:(
Cytat: laparruca
Dear Editor,

I am writing in response to your article (connected with - ja bym napisała about) the possibility of paying for studies, which was published in 'The Times' two weeks ago.
I would like to say that I completely disagree with the opinion that extra payments are necessary.

I think that (way), becouse I have some objections about it. At first, could you tell me who exacly will be paying for studing?

If everybody will, could it be possible that lEvel of education fall down? cos tu nie tak, pomieszałaś różne tryby warunkowe, jesli wszyscy będą, to czy mogłoby....

Secondly, if Universities do not have enough number of studentS, some specializations (raczej inne słowo) will be closed?
And the last question: Is there any way (to jest pytanie o jakiś sposób, musisz inaczej zapytać) that we will not have as many well-educated person in the country as now?

It I would be greatful if you could published my letter. I wonder what other readers think about the topic.

Your faithfully,

Bardzo prosze o sprawdzenie i poprawienie błędów, bo na pewno jest ich cała masa;):))
edytowany przez ivonne: 29 mar 2012
Secondly, if Universities do not have enough number of studentS, some specializations (raczej inne słowo) will be closed?
At first, could you tell me who exacly ....
To jest napisane jak gdyby asker spodziewal sie odpowiedzi od redakcji czasopisma. Ja bym inaczej to ujal.
Cytat: fui_eu
Secondly, if Universities do not have enough number of studentS, some specializations (raczej inne słowo) will be closed?
Jest rowniez inny blad. /pytanie/
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.