Bardzo proszę o sprawdzenie kilku zdań - czasy przeszłe

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.

Fill the gaps with the correct forms of the words or phrases in brackets. (Use Past Simple, Past Continuous, Past Pefrect Simple, Past Perfect Continuous). Sometimes passive constructions are necessary. Do not use contractions. MOJE PROPOZYCJE WSTAWIŁAM DUŻYMI LITERAMI

1. When they returned home, they SAW (see) that the house BROKE INTO (break into) .
2. Late in the evening we were tired because we WORKED (work) all day long.
3. He was promoted because he HAD MADE (make) an important deal.
4. When they saw me they WERE (be) so happy even though we DIDN'T SEE (not see) each other for ages.
5. When I WAS WALKING (walk) down the street I CAME (come) across my old friend, whom I DIDN'T MEET (not meet) since 1989.
6. I CAME (come) in when they WERE DANCING (dance) . The music was so loud and nobody NOTICED (notice) me.
7. Before I got the job in the bank, I WAS WORKING (work) for 20 years in my father's company.
8. She got angry when she FOUND (find) out that the kids HAD BROKEN (break) the window.
9. I didn't notice the flowers that he BROUGHT (bring) two days before.
10. When I came downstairs the sun WAS SHINING (shine) and my parents ALREADY WERE HAVING (already have) lunch, so I joined them.

Dziękuje bardzo za jakąkolwiek pomoc.
Cytat: onlyolga
1. When they returned home, they SAW (see) that the house BROKE INTO=się włamał :-) past perfect i strona bierna (break into) .
2. Late in the evening we were tired because we WORKED (work) musisz zaznaczyc, ze pracowali przed tym momentem all day long.
3. He was promoted because he HAD MADE (make) an important deal. ok
4. When they saw me they WERE (be) so happy even though we DIDN'T SEE (not see) znowu musisz zaznaczyc uprzedniosc, tak jak w nr 3 each other for ages.
5. When I WAS WALKING (walk) down the street I CAME (come) across my old friend, whom I DIDN'T MEET (not meet) znowu ten sam problem since 1989.
6. I CAME (come) in when they WERE DANCING (dance) . The music was so loud and nobody NOTICED (notice) me. ok
7. Before I got the job in the bank, I WAS WORKING (work) for 20 years in my father's company. to tez bylo wczesniej
8. She got angry when she FOUND (find) out that the kids HAD BROKEN (break) the window. ok
9. I didn't notice the flowers that he BROUGHT (bring) two days before. wczesniej przyniosl
10. When I came downstairs the sun WAS SHINING (shine) and my parents WERE ALREADY HAVING (already have) lunch, so I joined them.

Twój błąd: zapominasz o past perfect simple i conttinuous, chociaż czasem potrafisz je zastosować poprawnie!
Dziękuje, mogę liczyć na jakąś podpowiedź co do poprawności wykonania zadania??
Cytat: mg
Cytat: onlyolga
1. When they returned home, they SAW (see) that the house BROKE INTO=się włamał :-) past perfect i strona bierna (break into) .
2. Late in the evening we were tired because we HAD WORKED (work) all day long.
3. He was promoted because he HAD MADE (make) an important deal. ok
4. When they saw me they WERE (be) so happy even though we HADN'T SEEN (not see) each other for ages.
5. When I WAS WALKING (walk) down the street I CAME (come) across my old friend, whom HADN'T MET (not meet) znowu ten sam problem since 1989.
6. I CAME (come) in when they WERE DANCING (dance) . The music was so loud and nobody NOTICED (notice) me. ok
7. Before I got the job in the bank, I WAS WORKING (work) for 20 years in my father's company. to tez bylo wczesniej
8. She got angry when she FOUND (find) out that the kids HAD BROKEN (break) the window. ok
9. I didn't notice the flowers that he HAD BROUGHT (bring) two days before. wczesniej przyniosl
10. When I came downstairs the sun WAS SHINING (shine) and my parents WERE ALREADY HAVING (already have) lunch, so I joined them.

Twój błąd: zapominasz o past perfect simple i conttinuous, chociaż czasem potrafisz je zastosować poprawnie!

Czy dobrze rozumuję ??
1. When they returned home, they SAW (see) that the house HAD BEEN BROKEN INTO
...POmoglam tutaj, bo przypomnial mi sie film The Italian Job, gdzie Noel Coward mowi do Governor z wiezienia..
NC: Yesterday, Mr. Governor, my toilet was broken into....
Broken into?
NC: Yes.
Do you know the name of the perpetrator who so rudely interupted your ablutions?
NC: No, I have never seen that man before in my life...
Reszte niestety trzeba poprawic.


Twój błąd: zapominasz o past perfect simple i conttinuous, chociaż czasem potrafisz je zastosować poprawnie![/quote]

Czy dobrze rozumuję ??[/quote]
2 past perfect continuous
5 wypadl 'I"
7 nadal zly czas
1.Saw, had been broken into
2. Had been working
3. Had made
4. Were, hadn't seen
5. I was walking, came, hadn't met
6. Came, were dancing, noticed
7. skoro pracowała przez 20 lat... a present perfect had worked ??
8. Found, had broken
9. Had brought
10. Was shining, were already having

Jak Państwu się wydaje??
7 to nie jest present perfect, ale trafilas. To albo past per cont
Tak tak past perfect miałam na myśli bo mowa o czasach przeszłych... coś mi źle wskoczyło albo o czym innym akurat myslałam :) a jak pozostałe zdanka sie przedstawiają ?? Dziękuje
reszta jest ok

OK w takim razie poszły te odpowiedzi

1.Saw, had been broken into
2. Had been working
3. Had made
4. Were, hadn't seen
5. I was walking, came, hadn't met
6. Came, were dancing, noticed
7. had worked
8. Found, had broken
9. Had brought
10. Was shining, were already having

Dziękuje bardzo za cenne podpowiedzi i poświęcony czas, co niezmienia faktu że muszę mimo wszystko poświęcić więcej czasu na zastosowania poszczególnych czasów... niektóre zdania są dziwnie formułowane jak tłumaczymy je sobie na język polski.... ciężko jest wyłapać "granice" pomiędzy wykonywanymi czynnosciami... moment zakończenia czy czynnosci nakładały się na siebie, czy czynność jest "długa" czy "krótka". Pozdrawiam cieplutko
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.


Studia za granicą


Pomoc językowa - Sprawdzenie