Proszę o pomoc - sprawdzenie 18 zdań

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
1. It... to be difficult to persuade him to change his mind.
a) will be b) is going c) has been

2. If we... soon, the party will be over by the time we get there.
a) have left b) will leave c) do not leave

3. I... him at 7:30 tomorrow evening.
a) am meeting b) meet c) have met

4. Do be quiet,... ?
a) don't you b) won't you c) will you

5. Where is Mary? She... coffee in the kitchen.
a) drinks b) is drinking c) has drunk

6. This patient (siedzi) in the waiting-room (od) an hour, but the doctor (nie przyszedł) yet.
This patient sits in the waiting-room for an hour, but the doctor (nie przyszedł) yet.
7. He doesn't eaten watery vegetables, He says they (smakują) bad.

8. Yesterday at 9 I still (spałem).
Yesterday at 9 I still sleep
9. (Czy mam) do shopping for you?
Have I do shopping for you?
10. They (czekali) for 2 hours before the thief (pojawił się).
They were waiting for 2 hours before the thief (pojawił się).
11.(Po co) you (siedzisz) here?
For what you are sitting here?
12. (Czego) he (chce)?
What he wants?
13. (Czym) you (interesowałeś się) lately?
What are you interested in lately?
14. (Co kosztuje) 20 pounds?
What costs 20 pounds?
15. Who (zabrał) her to the pictures last night?
Who takes her to the pictures last night?
16. (Bądź uprzejmy) help us with the luggage?
Be nice to help us with the luggage?
17. (Teraz, gdy) you have money, we can go to Las Vegas.
Now, when you have money, we can go to Las Vegas
18. I (skończę) this book by the lunch time.
I had finished this book by the lunch time.

edytowany przez trebacz: 07 maj 2012
Cytat: trebacz
8. Yesterday at 9 I still (spałem).
Yesterday at 9 I still sleep -> I was still slepping
9. (Czy mam) do shopping for you?
Have I do shopping for you? -> Shall I do
10. They (czekali) for 2 hours before the thief (pojawił się).
They were waiting for 2 hours before the thief (pojawił się->showed up.
11.(Po co) you (siedzisz) here?
For what you are sitting here? -> Why are you sitting here?
12. (Czego) he (chce)?
What he wants? -> what does he want?
13. (Czym) you (interesowałeś się) lately?
What are you interested in lately? -> what have you been intrested in lately?
14. (Co kosztuje) 20 pounds?
What costs 20 pounds?
15. Who (zabrał) her to the pictures last night?
Who takes her to the pictures last night? ->took
16. (Bądź uprzejmy) help us with the luggage?
Be nice to help us with the luggage? ->tutaj można na kilka sposobó, albo po prostu Be kind.nice and help us... albo Would you be so kind and help us...
17. (Teraz, gdy) you have money, we can go to Las Vegas.
Now, when you have money, we can go to Las Vegas
18. I (skończę) this book by the lunch time.
I had finished this book by the lunch time. -> I will have finished

zero zrozumienia czasów widzę.
jeśli chcesz, żeby ktoś sprawdził pierwsze 7 zdań, spróbuj je najpierw rozwiązać ;)
1. It... to be difficult to persuade him to change his mind.
a) will be b) is going c) has been
2. If we... soon, the party will be over by the time we get there.
a) have left b) will leave c) do not leave
3. I... him at 7:30 tomorrow evening.
a) am meeting b) meet c) have met
4. Do be quiet,... ?
a) don't you b) won't you c) will you
5. Where is Mary? She... coffee in the kitchen.
a) drinks b) is drinking c) has drunk
6. This patient (siedzi) in the waiting-room (od) an hour, but the doctor (nie przyszedł) yet.
This patient is sitting in the waiting-room for an hour, but the doctor hasn’t gone yet.
7. He (nie jada) watery vegetables, He says they (smakują) bad.
He doesn’t eat watery vegetables, He says they taste bad.

Dziękuję za pomoc wpoprzednich zdaniach, a czy to jest dobrze ?
4 zle
6 zly czas i napisales 'lekarz nie wyszedl'

reszta ok
Cytat: mg
4 zle
6 zly czas i napisales 'lekarz nie wyszedl'

reszta ok

4. c) will you ?
6. is sitting, for, hasn't come ?
4 ok
6 nie poprawiles pierwszego czasownika:nie ten czas
6. sits, for, hasn't come ?
pierwszy czasownik zly
podpowiedz: czynnosc z since/for
6. is sitting, since, hasn't come ?
nie, coraz gorzej
6. have sat, for, hasn't come ?
present perfect continuous w pierwszym
Cytat: mg
present perfect continuous w pierwszym

has been sitting, for, hasn't come ?
edytowany przez trebacz: 07 maj 2012
ufff... a jeszcze mam pytanko czemu pr. perf. cont a nie pr. perf ?
cont='zajmuje się siedzeniem od pewnego czasu'
simp='dokonal siedzenia'

ktoe jest ligiczne?
dziękuję za pomoc !
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.


Pomoc językowa - tłumaczenia