Bardzo proszę o sprawdzenie pracy - autorytet Pope John Paul II

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My authority - Pope John Paul II

Nowadays everyone has in their environment a person who is his authority. Unfortunately most of these "authorities" is incorrect. contemporaries people - mostly young people impressive behavior such as rebellion, ignorance, vanguard, heartless etc. but authority for us to be a completely different person. As Pope John Paul II. Why him?
I do not want here to present the biography of the Pope, however, it is helpful to me a few facts and events of his life. First, despite his advanced age and disease continue in its mission. Astonishing was his strong will. As a child lost his mother, brother, then his father died, but stubbornly sought to target that has reached. Do not give up, he fought fiercely to give another example, and preached that if you want to achieve something we can do this through prayer and faith. Another proof of the fact that it is worth to follow him is his profound tolerance which is so little nowadays .. John Paul II is open to all people despite their color, nationality, religion. He made a pilgrimage not only to Christian countries, but also to the Gentiles, he tried to instill in them the love of God. Do not despise anyone, he loved all people equally, despite their flaws. Nor can we overlook the fact that her love was so great that he could forgave his terrorist. I believe that deep down this man is not bad. "Somebody's hand shot, but another hand carried the ball" - he says. During his pilgrimage he was able to conciliate people, especially loved the youth. His teachings have approached us to God, hide the main and important idea, forced to think about. His words we often quoted, they became the guiding thoughts, which show you how to live.
Therefore, we should deeply reflect on the words of the Polish Pope, on his conduct and in particular to try to imitate him. This is what made John Paul II during his 85 years of his life should impress any modern human.

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