Dobra poprawilam sobie i zmienilam co nie co - przysiadlam, wiec mam nadzieje,ze teraz jest ok, moze sie komus przyda to wrzucam pzdr :) :
It was a sunny day and I had a birthday and I was coming back to Poland from Florida. I had a flight from Florida to Chicago, and then another to the Cracow airport. Unfortunately my flight to Chicago was delayed which meant that I missed my connecting flight from Chicago to Cracow. I was fifteen that day so I really didn't know what to do in that kind of situation. My parents had paid the airline for extra care from the stewardess, but I didn't get it. So during the flight from Florida to Chicago I already knew that my plane to Cracow had flown away without me. I was very stressed and I started to cry.A young woman sitting next to me offered me help. She gave me the number of her friend and she told me that I could call him and he would help me. I realised that I was alone far away from home and that this was the worst day of my life. I remember it like it happened yesterday. I thanked this woman for her help but luckily I didn't need to call her friend. When I was at the airport in Chicago and I was waiting for some information about what should I do,a stranger grabbed my hand and told me that there was a flight to Warsaw and we must hurry up if I wanted to be on time. That man was working at the airport and he had heard what had happened to me. He led me to the check-in. With tears in my eyes I was grateful to him, because I was so lucky that I could go back home. That man didn't have to do anything but he helped me. I think we'll never meet again, but I will always remember his kindness.