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I can't use my mobile phone during any lessons. Exception is situation, when I expect an important phone from my mother. Then, I can have included phone.

I agree with them, beacause I think, that usage mobile phone during lessons is very discncerting, and I can't focus on nothing,

I think that parents and Head Teatcher can ban mobile phone, beacause they would like to students stoped play the games.
Parents agree with Head Teatcher, beacause they don't accept use mobile phones during lessons or exams.
I think that student can disagree with this, beacause they must keep in touch with their friends. Moreover, when they want to relax,they can play the games.

(nie chciał"o mi się już przepisywać pytań z książki- "Real life" poziom pre-intermediate.

Z góry dzięki. :)
edytowany przez Ania513: 18 lut 2013
Exception (do czego?) is (przedimek) situation, when I expect an important 'phone' (phone to jest telefon-ale co ty expecting to jest phone call) from my mother. Then, I can have 'included' (nie rozumiem uzycia tego slowa tutaj) phone.

I agree with them, beacause I think, that usage (brak 2 slowa) mobile phone during lessons is very 'discncerting' (ortog), and I can't focus on 'nothing' (nie, nie, nie, - tutaj focus on anything),

I think that parents and (przedimek) Head Teatcher can ban mobile phoneS, 'beacause' (popraw to slowo) they would like 'to' (z czy to sie laczy?) students (cos brak) 'stoped' (zle slowo) play 'the' (wg mnie niepotr) games.
Parents agree with (przedimek) Head Teatcher, 'beacause' (popraw!!!) they don't accept use (cos brak) mobile phones during lessons or exams.
I think that (przedimek) student can disagree with this, 'beacause' (juz 3 raz piszesz to blednie!!) they must keep in touch with their friends. Moreover, when they want to relax,they can play 'the' (niepotr) games.

Cos z tymi przedimkami masz problemy - naucz sie ich.....no i naucz sie pisac 'because'
Z góry dzięki. :)[/quote]
no i naucz sie pisac 'because'
... i teacher.
Cytat: fui_eu
no i naucz sie pisac 'because'
... i teacher.

nawet tego nie zauwazylam, bo przypuszczalam, ze musi byc dobrze....ale bede ostrozniejsza na przyszlosc.


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