List prywatny do sprawdzenia.

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Napisz list do kolegi z Angli aby opowiedziec co u ciebie nowego :
- podziekuj za jego list i skomentuj jedna z zawartych w niem informacji
- zrelacjonuj jedno zdarzenie z zycia rodziny i opisz swoje odczucia
- podaj i skomentuj jedna nowine dotyczca wspolnych znajomych
- zapytaj co nowego u niego i jego rodziny, zaproponuj spotkanie w czasie wakacji.

Hi John!
I'm writing a letter, because I would be thanks you that you remember me. Finally you find a pretty girlfriend. It is great! I think, that they so happy. Yesterday, I was in the wedding, because me older sister got married. There was a lot of exotic food and played in tennis with me brother. It was nice. I had felt excited, because I never eat a live fish ! Do you remember Kate ? She has a new boyfriend. They are so happy. Kate with Adam met in the cinema. I think that they are going to be a lot of time together. I wish it them. How are you ? Howa are you family ? I would be meeting to you in the next holiday. This is good idea! What do you think? See you soon.
I would like to thank you that ...
finally you have found
that they are so happy together
I was at the wedding
had got married
I played tennis with my brother
I felt excited
I had never eaten a living fish
Kate met Adam in the cinema
I wish it for them
how is your family?
I want to meet you on holidays
plus parę zwrotów nie brzmi dobrze
a pod wzgledem tresci tzn. czy dobrze przekazalem te 4 punkty ?? za gramatyke zero a czy za bogactwo jezykowe by byly punkty ?
nie jestem egzaminatorem, ale z tego co widzę to przekazałeś informacje
punkty za bogactwo też by jakieś były, ale miałeś dużo błędów


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Pomoc językowa - Sprawdzenie