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Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
temat to : wady i zalety robienia zadań domowych.

There are few people today who think that doing homework is handy. Nevertheless, there are also supporters. But the truth is that there are as many as pros as cons to consider.
Firstly, the homework is deepining the knowledge of the students and they can check the messages held. Secondly, it is developing imaginations and forcing to the independent thinking. In this way the student learn self-reliance and discipline. Thirdly, we are becoming more and more competent in a given field od science and doing homeworks is facilitating the learning or us to the test. On the other hand homeworks are a waste of time which we could use to develop one's passions. Last but not least disadvantages is (the?) fact that too much homework leads to an overload which adversely affects the health and motivation to learn.
Although, homework is very important a lot of students have a fear associated with doing it. Students are afraid of humiliation when the job is wrong done.
To sum up both proponents and opponents have a lot of argument to prove that they are right. Taking into consideration all afromentioned argumnets we can see that is it individual case.

Proszę o pomoc. ; )
There are (cos brak) few people today who think that doing homework is 'handy' (handy for WHAT? juz mi przychodzi do glowy 'handy-co jest komorka po niemiecku).
Nevertheless, there are also supporters (ale czego? musisz wyraznie napisac).
But the truth is that there are as many 'as' (hello, co to tutaj robi?) pros as cons to consider.
Firstly, 'the' (niepotr) homewor (aha, teraz inaczej pomyslalam...the function of homework) is 'deepining' (ortog) the knowledge of the students (ale w jakiej dziedzinie? ) and they can check the 'messages' (jakie 'messages' znowu cos o komorce?) held.

Secondly, it is developing 'imaginations' (popraw) and forcing (ale kogo?) to the independent thinking. In this way the student 'learn' (student-he-3os.l.poj) self-reliance and discipline. Thirdly, we are becoming more and more competent in a given field 'od' (ortog) 'science' (nie, ja chyba nie i duzo innych ludzi tez nie, dlaczego mowisz 'we') and doing 'homeworks' (nie, rzecz niepol) is facilitating the learning or PUTTING us to the test. On the other hand 'homeworks' (to jest rzeczownik niepoliczalny) are a waste of time which we could use to develop 'one's' (nie, nie, nie, i jreszcze raz nie - jak mowisz 'we' to niby dlaczego teraz mowisz bezimminnie) passions. Last but not least disadvantages 'is' ARE THE fact that too much homework leads to an overload which adversely affects the health and motivation to learn.
Students are afraid of humiliation when the 'job' (inne slowo) is 'wrong' (zlsa czesc mowy) done.
Taking into consideration all 'afromentioned' (zly register - za wysokie slowo) 'argumnets' (ortog) we can see that 'is it' (kogo pytasz, tu ma byc twierdzenie) individual case.

There are a ?few people today who think that doing homework is handy for students <--- może być ?. Nevertheless, there are also supporters doing homework. But the truth is that there are as many pros as cons to consider.
Firstly, the function of homework is deepening the knowledge of the students ( to odnosi się do ogólnej wiedzy nie danej dziedziny wiec moze zostać tak ? ) and they can check the held. Secondly, it is developing imagination and forcing for students to the independent thinking. In this way the student learns self-reliance and discipline. Thirdly, students are becoming more and more competent in a given field of science and doing homework is facilitating the learning or putting us to the test. On the other hand homework are a waste of time which we could use to develop their (może być ?) passions. Last but not least disadvantages are the fact that too much homework leads to an overload which adversely affects the health and motivation to learn.
Although, homework is very important a lot of students have a fear associated with doing it. Students are afraid of humiliation when the task is incorrectly done.
To sum up both proponents and opponents have a lot of argument to prove that they are right. Taking into consideration all these arguments is it individual case.
tak może być ? poprawiłam..
ale nie wiem jak nazwać inaczej messages ;/
już wiem zamiast te messages może być to check students' knowledge :)
'there are few people today that '

ale przecież tak też może być, w sensie: jest mało ludzi którzy...

There are few people today who think that doing homework is cool/a must/necessary/their duty.
Zalezy co askerka miala na mysli.
There are a ?few people today who think that doing homework is 'handy' (are dlaczego nie napisales BENEFICIAL?) for students
Nevertheless, there are also supporters FOR doing homework.
Firstly, the function of homework is 'deepening' (tu slowo to EXTENDING the knowledge of the students ( to odnosi się do ogólnej wiedzy - WIEM co miales na mysli, ale tak to nie napisales.. and they can 'check the held' (tego nie rozumiem).
Secondly, 'it' (daj tutaj 'homework') 'is developing' DEVELOPS imagination and forcES students toWARDS 'the' (niuepotr) independent thinking.
Thirdly, students are becoming more and more competent in a given field 'of science' (niepotr, bo np to moga byc przedmioty/dziedzina humanistyczna) and doing homework 'is facilitating' FACILITATES) the learning or putting 'us' THEM to the test.
On the other hand DOING homework 'are' IS a waste of time, A TIME which 'we' THAT could BE useD FIR 'to' THE developMENT 'their' (nie moizesz pisac 'we' a pozniej 'their-w tym samy zdaniu) OF passions. Last, (przecinek) but not least, A FURTHER disadvantagE 'are' IS the fact that too much homework leads to an overload which adversely affects the health and motivation to learn.
Although, homework is very important, (przecinek) a lot of students have a fear associated with doing it.
To sum up both proponents and opponents have a lot of argumentS (a lot of-znaczy wiecej jak jeden) to 'prove' (nie, to nie jest exact science - tutaj to SUPPORT) 'that they are right' THEIR VIEWPOINT. Taking into consideration all these arguments DEVOTING TIME TO HOMEWORK, or NOT doung it at all, IS 'individual case' UP TPO THE INDIVIDUAL.
' and they can 'check the held' (tego nie rozumiem). ' to miało być tam --->check students' knowledge
i tak przy okazji jestem dziewczyną ; )
Cytat: zjemcie
i tak przy okazji jestem dziewczyną ; )

a jaka to roznice robi/i moze zrobic w moich oczach? tutaj traktujemy wszystkich rowno...:-)
domyślam się ale tak tylko mówię ;p
mogę dodać gdzies to zdanie bo wydaje mi się ze mam troche mało slów:
Doing homework broadens the horizons of students, it allows him to climb to a higher level of their education.
On the other hand DOING homework ASSIGNMENTS... i juz masz dodatkowe slowo;)
a to zdanie które dodałam nad Twoim postem moze być ? ; ) jest poprawne ? ;p
czy to zdanie jest poprawne ? Doing homework broadens the horizons of students, it allows him to climb to a higher level of their education.
dlaczego him
po drugie zdanie trąci polszczyzną, jeżeli chodzi o dobór słów, ale jest zrozumiale i poprawne gramatycznie
no to zamiast him to będzie they ; )
przepraszam them ;)
i lepiej
students' horizons
a może jeszcze jakies zadnie do wprowadzenia w pierwszym akapicie ...
np. Moreover homework train the memory ?
odpowie ktoś ? ; ) : Moreover homework train the memory <--- poprawne ?
Cytat: zjemcie
odpowie ktoś ? ; ) : Moreover homework train the memory <--- poprawne ?

nie, tu trzeba zrozumiec 'homework' - 3os.l.pij - i wtedy czasownik 'train' trzeba zmienic zeby odpowiadal 3os.l.poj - a to juz chyba wierz jak.
sorry, tam mialo byc 3os.l.poj - 'pij'-chyba subconscious, bo mis ei chce pic.:-)
czyli Moreover homework trains the memory ? ; )
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.