List motywacyjny na staz w think tanku

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Hej! Dobry wieczor wszystkim...
Potrzebuje pomocy z moim listem motywacyjnym... W moim angielskim zawsze znajda sie jakies bledy :D Poza tym, smialo komentujcie nie tylko moj angielski, ale takze sama tresc... Moze cos jest niejasne albo niepotrzebne? Bardzo dziekuje za wszelka pomoc!

Dear Sir/Madame,

I am writing in reference to the junior fellowship mentioned on your website. As a student in Master of Arts in European Studies, specializing in International Relations, I am particularly attracted by a possibility of working within European Stability Initiative.
The curriculum that I have been following at Maastricht University mostly focuses on external dimensions of EU’s policies such as enlargement, external economic policy as well as foreign and security policy. My attention has been mostly drawn to the EU’s relations with Middle-East countries and particularly to Turkey’s EU accession process and its consequences for the region. This is also why European Stability Initiative’s projects have captured my interest.
Throughout my studies, I often had to work simultaneously on several research papers while preparing for classes and examinations; thus I have learnt to work under time pressure. Moreover, apart from being engaged in common projects with other students, I often work independently which requires me to be accurate and consistent. Although I really enjoy working individually, I know that an exchange of ideas with others allows a researcher to be more efficient and creative. I could easily notice it due to the problem based learning, prioritised by Maastricht University, which places discussion and debate at the very heart of education. This is why I am eager to cooperate with other people, within or outside the institution, while carrying out my duties. Finally, while working individually or with others, I could perform all the research-related tasks, and I am convinced that this is the career I want to undertake. I will be happy to begin my professional experience as a part of your team.
I would like to emphasize that I do not have any preferences as to the city in which I should join you. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions. Thank you for your time and consideration. I look forward to hearing from you soon.

Yours faithfully,

Marta ..........
Dear Sir, MadaM, (nie wiem gdzie ta Madame wyskakuje w ksiazkach...?)

I am writing in reference to the junior fellowship mentioned on your website (ale gdzie i kiedy?).
As a (napisz na ktorym roku jestes, 1 albo 2gim) student 'in' OF Master of Arts in European Studies, specializing in International Relations, I am particularly attracted by a possibility of working within (przedimek) European Stability Initiative.
The curriculum that I have been following at Maastricht University mostly focuses on external dimensions of 'EU’s' (napisz to w calosci a pozniej EU) policies such as enlargement, external economic policy as well as foreign and security policy.
Throughout my studies, I often had to work simultaneously on several research papers while preparing for 'classes' (lepsze slowo 'lectures') and examinations; 'thus' (daj slowo 'consequently') I have learnt to work under time pressure.
I could 'easily notice it due' (cos mi to nie za bardzo sie podoba-ale nie wiem co chcesz przekazac) to the problem based learning, prioritised by Maastricht University, which places discussion and debate at the very heart of education. This is why I am eager to cooperate with other people, within or outside the institution, while carrying out my 'duties' (to ma inne konotacje, potrzeba inne slowo). Finally, while working individually or with others, I 'could perform' (daj 'performed') all the research-related tasks, and I am convinced that this is the career I want to undertake. I will be happy to begin my professional experience as 'a' (niepotr) part of your team.

Wielkie dzieki! :-)


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