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Sunrise Festival is one of the most popular music festival in Poland. There is in Kołobrzeg. This party is in amphitheater. It is an anuual every. The festival take place on last week in July. Thousands of people come to festival. In Sunrise Festival are performers performing music house and trance. There were a few top artists on the world, for example David Guetta or Armin van Buuren.


I agree that the British climate isn't really suitable for open-air music festivals, because in England often is bad weather. There is often rain, so people must have a tent with them. In my opinion it is bad, because better is be with people for exapmple on field and together listen to music on festival.

proszę o ewentualne poprawki :)
Sunrise Festival is one of the most popular music festival in Poland. - festival - tu powinna byc liczba mnoga. Po polsku tez: jest jednym z najpopularniejszych festiwali

[There is in Kołobrzeg. This party is in amphitheater. It is an anuual every. The festival take place on last week in July. Thousands of people come to festival. ] - te zdania sa za krotkie. Lepiej by bylo zawrzec te wszystkie informacje w jednym zdaniu. "annual every" nie ma sensu. Albo annual albo every year. IN the last week OF July.

In Sunrise Festival are performers performing music house and trance. - za duzo tych "performers performing", przerob to zdanie

music house and trance - zmien szyk, "music" na koncu

(podaj kontekst do tej przeslosci, np. "na ostatnim festiwalu") There were a few top artists on (IN) the world, for example David Guetta or Armin van Buuren.


I agree that the British climate isn't really suitable for open-air music festivals, because in England often is bad weather. - sprobuj: "w Anglii pogoda jest czesto..."

In my opinion it is bad, because better is be (gramatyka!) with people for exapmple (spelling) on (IN THE) field and together listen to music on (DURING THE) festival.
Sunrise Festival are one of the most popular music festival in Poland. There is in Kołobrzeg, in amphitheater. It is an anuual. The festival take place in the last week of July. Thousands of people come to festival. In Sunrise Festival are musicans performing house and trance music. On the last festival there were a few top artists in the world, for example David Guerra or Armin van Buuren.

I agree that the British climate isn't really suitable for open-air music festivals, because in England weather is often bad. In my opinion it is bad, because it is better to be with people for exapmple spelling in the field and together listen to music on during the festival.

jak teraz?
Sunrise Festival 'are' (ale festival to l. poj, dlaczego masz tu 'are'?) one of the most popular music festivalS in Poland. 'There' (nie, to niepasuje, tutaj ma byc IT) is in Kołobrzeg, in (a przedimek?) amphitheater. It is an anuual (cos tu brak) .
Thousands of people come to (a gdzie jest przedimek?) festival. In (przedimek) Sunrise Festival are musicans performing house and trance music. 'On' (zle slowo, tutaj masz kalke z polskiego 'na') the last festival there were a few top artists 'in' (mysle, ze zle slowo) the world, for example David Guerra or Armin van Buuren.

I agree that the British climate isn't really suitable for open-air music festivals, because in England (a przedimek) weather is often bad. In my opinion it is bad, because it is better to be with people for 'exapmple' (ortog) in the field and 'together listen to music on during the festival' (tego calkowicie nie rozumiem).

Sugg: zrob jedno poprawne zdanie z tych dwoch 'There is in Kołobrzeg.' 'The festival take place on last week in July.'
Sunrise Festivals are one of the most popular music festivals in Poland. It is in Kołobrzeg, in an amphitheater. It is every year. The festival take place in the last week of July. Thousands of people come to a festival. In a Sunrise Festival are musicans performing house and trance music. In the last festival there were a few top artists on the world, for example David Guerra or Armin van Buuren.

I agree that the British climate isn't really suitable for open-air music festivals, because in England a weather is often bad. In my opinion it is bad, because it is better to be with people for example in the field and together listen to music during the festival.

edytowany przez RealistaxDDD: 10 paź 2013
It is every year > tak nie, bo tak samo po polsku nie powiesz, że festiwal jest co roku. odbywa się.
festival take place > odmiana...
come to a festival > na jakiś festiwal czy ten konkretny?
In a Sunrise Festival > to nie jest określony festiwal skoro podajesz jego nazwę nawet?
a weather is often bad > tak nie
Sunrise Festivals are one of the most popular music festivals in Poland. It is in Kołobrzeg, in an amphitheater. It takes place every year. The festival takes place in the last week of July. Thousands of people come to the festival. In the Sunrise Festival are musicans performing house and trance music. In the last festival there were a few top artists on the world, for example David Guerra or Armin van Buuren.

I agree that the British climate isn't really suitable for open-air music festivals, because in England the weather is often bad. In my opinion it is bad, because it is better to be with people for example in the field and together listen to music during the festival.
Najpierw pisałeś 'festiweal sunrise są'. Teraz piszesz 'festiwale sunrise są...', ale potem piszesz 'odbywa się'. W pierwszym zdaniu powinna być liczba pojedyncza.
Drugie i trzecie zdanie połącz - już Ci zwrócono uwagę, że niładnie jest poiwiedzieć 'jest w Kołobrzegu', że trzeba użyć innego czasownika, takiego jak take place
It is in Kołobrzeg, in an amphitheater. It takes place every year. The festival takes place in the last week of July.

a nawet trzy możesz połączyć jak się skupisz.
Sunrise Festival is one of the most popular music festival in Poland. It takes place in Kołobrzeg, in an amphitheater, in every year and takes place in the last week of July. Thousands of people come to the festival. In the Sunrise Festival are musicans performing house and trance music. In the last festival there were a few top artists on the world, for example David Guerra or Armin van Buuren.

coś takiego?
wybacz mq nie zauważyłem wcześniejszej uwagi, musiały być dwa wpisy w tym samym czasie
edytowany przez RealistaxDDD: 10 paź 2013
Powtarzasz it takes place
It takes place every year in Kolobrzeg in the last week of July in the /zwykle amfiteatr jest nazwany po czyms/kims/ amphitheater.
W porządku, dziękuję za pomoc, już poprawiłem wszystko jak należy. :)
one of the most popular music festival > "jednym z najbardziej popularnych festiwal"
in every year
In the Sunrise Festival are musicans > koślawe + ort.
top artists on the world > tak nie
David Guerra > na house się nie znam, ale nie chodzi ci o Guetta czasem?
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