Prośba o sprawdzenie zadań dot. czasów

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
mam do wykonania kilka zadań, związanych z czasami. Będę wdzięczna za pomoc :)
Poniżej rozwiązane przeze mnie zadania, proszę o wskazanie błędów ( w nawiasie czasownik podany w zadaniu, pogrubionym drukiem - moja propozycja ).

1) Wstaw czasowniki w nawiasach w odpowiednich czasach.
Ann: Tom, at last! I have been waiting (wait) for you for ages. A moment ago I thought (think) I would go (go) home if you wouldn't turn (not turn) up in five minutes.
Tom: I'm sorry. I have fought (fight) with my car. It broke (break) down when I was driving (drive) to work this morning and I had to (must) take it to the garage.
Ann: It breaks (break) down all the time. Won't you buy (you/not buy) a new one? I think you should.
Tom: But I like (like) my old VW. I have had (have) it for ten years and I am always (always/be) very happy with it.
Ann: Well, I don't have (not have) a car. I am driving (drive) my sister's Fiat this month because she has gone (go) on holiday. But she is coming (come) back on Saturday and I must (must) give it back.
Tom: You know, I have had (have) a Fiat, too. I bought (buy) it second hand and then, when it was being repaired (be repaired) at a garage it turned (turn) out that it had been stolen (be stolen).
Ann: Oh, dear! It must have been horrible!
Tom: Yes, it wasn't (not be) very pleasant. The police was (be) sure that I had stolen (steal) it and I thought (think) I would be (be) arrested.
Ann: You haven't told me ( not tell) that story. Oh, dear, the film has already started ( already/start), let's run.

Z góry dziękuję za pomoc :)
edytowany przez fianne: 09 paź 2013
1) Wstaw czasowniki w nawiasach w odpowiednich czasach.
Ann: Tom, at last! I have been waiting (wait) for you for ages. A moment ago I thought (think) I would go (go) home if you wouldn't turn TUTAJ ZWYKŁY II CONDITIONAL (not turn) up in five minutes.
Tom: I'm sorry. I have fought INNY CZAS, ON WYJASNIA, CZYM SIE ZAJMOWAL (fight) with my car. It broke (break) down when I was driving (drive) to work this morning and I had to (must) take it to the garage.
Ann: It breaks (break) down all the time. Won't you buy (you/not buy) NA PEWNO NIE BYLO 'WHY' NA POCZATKU ZDANIA? a new one? I think you should.
Tom: But I like (like) my old VW. I have had (have) it for ten years and I am always (always/be) ZLY CZAS: PRZEZ CALE 10 LAT very happy with it.
Ann: Well, I don't have (not have) a car. I am driving (drive) my sister's Fiat this month because she has gone (go) on holiday. But she is coming (come) back on Saturday and I must (must) give it back.
Tom: You know, I have had (have) NIE, TO NIE JEST 'DOSWIADCZENIE ZYCIOWE', PRESENT P[ERFECT W TYM ZNACZENIU JEST UZYWANY Z ACTION VERBS, TUTAJ CHODZI O ZNACZENIE 'KIEDYS MIALES, A TERAZ JUZ NIE MAM'. a Fiat, too. I bought (buy) it second hand and then, when it was being repaired (be repaired) at a garage it turned (turn) out that it had been stolen (be stolen).
Ann: Oh, dear! It must have been horrible!
Tom: Yes, it wasn't (not be) very pleasant. The police was POLICE TO LICZBA MNOGA (be) sure that I had stolen (steal) it and I thought (think) I would be (be) arrested.
Ann: You haven't told me ( not tell) that story. Oh, dear, the film has already started ( already/start), let's run.
Ok, czy tak będzie ok? :)
1) Wstaw czasowniki w nawiasach w odpowiednich czasach.
Ann: Tom, at last! I have been waiting (wait) for you for ages. A moment ago I thought (think) I would go (go) home if you didn't turn (not turn) up in five minutes.
Tom: I'm sorry. I was fighting (fight) with my car. It broke (break) down when I was driving (drive) to work this morning and I had to (must) take it to the garage.
Ann: It breaks (break) down all the time. Won't you buy (you/not buy) NA PEWNO NIE BYLO 'WHY' NA POCZATKU ZDANIA? - Nie, nie było, dlatego nie wiem, co można tu wstawić :) a new one? I think you should.
Tom: But I like (like) my old VW. I have had (have) it for ten years and I have always been (always/be)very happy with it.
Ann: Well, I don't have (not have) a car. I am driving (drive) my sister's Fiat this month because she has gone (go) on holiday. But she is coming (come) back on Saturday and I must (must) give it back.
Tom: You know, I had (have). a Fiat, too. I bought (buy) it second hand and then, when it was being repaired (be repaired) at a garage it turned (turn) out that it had been stolen (be stolen).
Ann: Oh, dear! It must have been horrible!
Tom: Yes, it wasn't (not be) very pleasant. The police were (be) sure that I had stolen (steal) it and I thought (think) I would be (be) arrested.
Ann: You haven't told me ( not tell) that story. Oh, dear, the film has already started ( already/start), let's run.
have been fighting
is breaking down - wczesniej nie zauwazylem. Present Continuous for an annoying habit
aren't you going to buy - lepiej brzmi niz future simple

had a Fiat - nie, jest specjalna konstrukcja na 'kiedys cos robilem, ale teraz juz nie'
I used to have a Fiat?

Mam jeszcze takie zadanie ( wielkimi literami mój wybór )

2) Której z podanych form czasu przyszłego użyłaby najprawdopodobniej każda z osób?

1. Prezydent Polski w trakcie wizyty w Chinach, czytając plan spotkań:
I have/AM HAVING/am going to have lunch with the Prime Minister tomorrow.

2. Narzeczeni rozmawiający o swoim ślubie, który ma się odbyć za dwa tygodnie:
We get/ARE GETTINGg/are going to get married on the 1st June.

3. Dziewczyna patrząca na kobietę w ciąży:
She will have/IS GOING TO HAVE/is having a baby soon.

4. Ktoś robiący plany na weekend:
I WILL WATCH/am going to watch/am watching a match.

5. Chłopiec widzący swoją matkę, która niesie ciężkie zakupy:
I WILL CARRY/am going to carry/am carrying these bags.

6. Prezenterka pogody w TV:
It IS GOING TO BE/will be/is cloudy tomorrow.
used to have - tak
1 nie on sie umawial
2 ok
3 ok
4 nie podoba mi sie to 'will'. Dalbym I'll watch
5 ok, ale znowu 'll
6 pierwsze i drugie sa ok
1) I am going to have?

I zadanie nr 3:
Mike: Hello, John. I HAVEN'T SEEN (not see) you for ages. Where HAVE YOU GONE (you/go)?
John: To the hospital. I HAS BEEN VISITING (visit) my wife. She HAS (have) a baby - a beautiful girl.
Mike: Congratulations. What DID YOU CALL (you/call) her?
John: I DON'T KNOW (not know) yet. We HAVE BEEN DISCUSSING (discuss) this since Mary GOT (get) pregnant. Maybe Hilary, after my mother.
Mike: By the way, how is your mother?
John: Not very well, I'm afraid. She HAS LOOKED (look) very tired recently, she HAS BEEN WORKING (work) too hard all her life and it looks like she COLLAPSED (collapse) one of these days.
Mike: WILL YOU VISIT (you/visit) her soon? Give her my regards. I HAS ALWAYS LIKED (always/like) her very much, and her chocolate cakes. She USED TO BAKE(bake) the most delicious cakes in the neighbourhood. Remember one Saturday, we WERE PLAYING (play) in the back garden when a robber BROKE (break) in and STOLE (steal) the whole tray of biscuits she HAD MADE (make). We THOUGHT (think) she WOULD BE (be) furious but she just said 'I hope he WOULD LIKE (like) them'.
John: You know she IS GOING TO BE (be) 70 next month? We ARE GOING TO CELEBRATE (celebrate) with the whole family and friends, but we HAVEN'T DECIDED ( decide) how yet. I think we WILL JUST INVITE ( invite) everybody home. WILL YOU COME (you/come)?
Mike: Thanks, but I'm afraid I can't. I AM WORKING (work) at a university in Germany this year and the academic year STARTS ( start) next week. I AM FLYING (fly) on Friday.
John: That's a pity. Anyway, I must rush. Good luck with your job. I hope you WILL ENJOY (enjoy) it.
edytowany przez fianne: 09 paź 2013
HAS > ma czy urodziła?
I was visiting?
She had a baby?
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.


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