Sprawdzenie negatywnej i pozytywnej historii.

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Musiałam użyć wyrażeń : get down to,keep on,find out,stay up,come up with i chillout. POZYTYWNA : This happened just before my 10 birthday.I was in primary school.First I helped my mother.We got down to prepare my birthdays party together.Then As I cleanning my room,I suddenly rememberd that I didn't do my homework.I was worried and irritated.I tried do my homework with maths , but I kept on making mistakes.I was dissapointed and helpless.While I was crying I suddenly saw that my cousin came in my room .She helped me.We found out more information in mathsbook together and we solved the problem .I was so happy! Finally next day I went to school and I got five with this exercises. I was proud. NEGATYWNA : It happened two months ago.First I stayed up and I had bad mood. Then I missed bus and I was late to school.I didn't have chillout this day.My class has unexpected short test with biology . I couldn't come up with solution this exercise .I felt bad. While I was going out school I saw that my bus left.I came back home on foot.As I was being near my home I perceived that I forgott keys.I had to wait for my mother.I was sad and worried.I'll never forget that day.
This happened just before my '10 ' (tu brak 'th' bo masz na mysli dzisiate a nie dziesiec) birthday. (At the time) I was in primary school. First I helped my mother (z czym? z shopping, cleaning?). We got down to prepare (brak slowa) my 'birthdays' (bez 's- wystarczy 'birthday') party together.Then as I (cos brak) cleanning my room,I suddenly 'rememberd' (ortog) that I 'didn't' (zle slowo, tutaj 'had not') doNE my homework.
I tried do my 'homework with maths' (zle, wystarczy 'maths homework') , but I kept on making mistakes.
While I was crying I suddenly saw that my cousin came inTO my room .
We found out more information in (brak przedimka) maths book together and we solved the problem .
Finally (brak przedimka) next day I went to school and I got 'five' (to fdla mnie nic nie znaczy, trzeba napisac 'top marks') with 'this' (l. mnoga - to ma sie zgadzac z exercises) exercises. First I stayed up and I had (brak przedimka) bad mood. Then I missed (przedimek) bus and I was late 'to' FOR school.
'I didn't have chillout this day' (cos dla mnie jakos nie tak, mozna...I didn't have a chilled out day) My class 'has' (zly czas) (przedimek) unexpected short test 'with' IN biology . I couldn't come up with (przedimek) solution (brak slowa) this exercise.
While I was going out (brak slowa) school I saw that my bus (brak slowa) left.
As I was 'being' (zle slowo, tutaj 'getting') near (brak slowa) my home I 'perceived' (trosze slowo nie pasuje do reszty, moze 'realised') that I 'forgott' (ortog) (brak slowa) keys.
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