Write the Reported Speech - sprawdzenie

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Below are the final words said by some famous people before they died. Write the Reported Speech.
przykład: JM Barrie, British writer, 'I can't sleep'
He complained that he couldn't sleep.
1. Captain Oates, British explorer to the South Pole, 'I'm just going outside. I may be some time'
He told the others that ______ and that _____________
2. Dominique Bouhours, French grammar expert, 'I'm dying or I'm going to die. Both are corrrect.'
He said that _______________
He pointed out ___________
3. Errol Flynn, Hollywood actor, 'I've had a lot of fun and I've enjoyed every minute of it.'
He told them that _____________ and that ___________
4. Lytton Strachey, British writer, 'If this is dying, I don't think much of it'
He complained that if that _____ then ____________
5. Nostradamus, French prophet and healer, 'Tomorrow, I will no longer be here.'
He predicted that ________

Rozwiazalam tak to także proszę o sprawdzenie ewentualne poprawienie:
1. Captain Oates, British explorer to the South Pole, 'I'm just going outside. I may be some time'
He told the others that he was just going outside and that he might was some time
2. Dominique Bouhours, French grammar expert, 'I'm dying or I'm going to die. Both are corrrect.'
He said that he was dying or was going to die
He pointed out that both was correct
3. Errol Flynn, Hollywood actor, 'I've had a lot of fun and I've enjoyed every minute of it.'
He told them that he had had a lot of fun and that had enjoyed every minute of it
4. Lytton Strachey, British writer, 'If this is dying, I don't think much of it'
He complained that if that was dying then he didn't think much of it
5. Nostradamus, French prophet and healer, 'Tomorrow, I will no longer be here.'
He predicted that he would no longer be there the next day
he might was some time
was jest źle, both - oba
Cytat: zielonosiwy
he might was some time
was jest źle, both - oba

He might be some time?
Cytat: subub
3. Errol Flynn, Hollywood actor, 'I've had a lot of fun and I've enjoyed every minute of it.'
He told them that he had had a lot of fun and that had enjoyed every minute of it

Czy można zastosować taką elipsę i pominąć podmiot po 'that'?
2. Whaaaat?


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