Proszę o pomoc . essey for participating in SPACE project

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Witam, kochani) prosze zerknijcie jednym oczkiem, mam wyslac mini essej z cv o przyjecie do business camp w Szwecji tym latem. Tak maze o takim perfect lecie, ale cv tez ma byc oczywiscie perfect:DD dziekuje zza wczasu)*

My name is Justyna Goroszenko. I am first grade International Business student in Vilniaus Kolegija/University of Applied Sciences.
In my opinion successful student, later businessman, must be open for knowledge, be in touch of current economical situation and be abreast of what happens in world business. That is why I am fond of participating in any possible courses, open lectures and student projects like AIESEC or “Demola.Network”, originally based in Sweden.
For this moment Iam gaining experience in international student project “Demola.Network”. Within 3 months, in group of 4 students I am working with Lithuanian company on profit-making project. We get big support and advice from businessmen’s and lecturers from many different countries, mostly from Scandinavia. I feel excided to see how is the real projects works from inside, but also I feel that I still have not enough knowledge. I participated in courses organized by Demola, usually very useful for improving managing skills.
“Summer in SPACE 2014” interested me so much, because SPACE business certificate was one of the factors, why I chosen my college to study. I treat „Digital Business Development” course like a good preparation for taking SPACE exams and opportunity to use gained knowledge in my future work.
Ech, bede plakac...
Cytat: MilusiaP
Witam, kochani)

My name is Justyna Goroszenko. I am first grade =pierwszej kategorii International Business student in Vilniaus Kolegija/University of Applied Sciences.
In my opinion PRZEDIMEK successful student, later PRZEDIMEK businessman CZEMU TYLKO MAN, must be open for<-INNY knowledge, be in touch of<-INNY, PRZEDIMEK current economical=OSZCZEDNY situation and be abreast of what happens in world business. That is why I am fond of =UWIELBIAM participating in any possible courses, open lectures and student projects like AIESEC or “Demola.Network”, originally based in Sweden. <-PO CO TE OSTATNIE SLOWA? OIN NIE WIEDZA?
For <-INNE this moment Iam gaining experience in PRZEDIMEK international student project “Demola.Network”. Within <-CO TO MA ZNACZYC TUTAJ? 3 months, in PRZEDIMEK group of 4 students I am working with PRZEDIMEK Lithuanian company on PRZEDIMEK profit-making project. We get INNYCZAS, PRZECIEZ TO JEST JEDNORAZOWY PROJEKT big support and advice from businessmen’s TO JEST DOPELNIACZ I ZNOWU TLYKO MEN and lecturers from many different countries, mostly from Scandinavia. I feel excided BARCO PODEGZDZYDOWANA to see how is the real projects works = JAK JEST RZECZYWTSTE PROJEKTY DZIAŁA from PRZEDIMEK inside, but also I feel that I still have not enough knowledge. I INNY CZAS participated in courses organized by Demola, KTORE usually BYLY very useful for improving managing skills.
“Summer in SPACE 2014” interested me so much, because PTZEDIMEK SPACE business certificate was one of the factors,<-USUN why I chosen ZLA FORMA my college to study. I treat PRZEDIMEK „Digital Business Development” course like=TAK JAK a good preparation for taking SPACE exams and opportunity to use gained knowledge NAPISZ: WIEDZE, KTORA ZDOBYWAM in my future work.

Zaczynałaś jako gimnazjalistka(?), as teraz studentka. Miło obserwować.
My name is Justyna Goroszenko. I am first-year International Business student, in Vilniaus Kolegija/University of Applied Sciences.
In my opinion a successful student, later a man of business, must be open for knowledge, know current economic situation and be abreast of what happens in world business. That is why I try to participate in any possible courses, open lectures and student projects like AIESEC or “Demola.Network”, originally based in Sweden.

In this moment I am gaining experience in an international student project “Demola.Network”. 3 months, in a group of 4 students I was working with a Lithuanian company on a profit-making project. We had got a big support and advice from businessmans and lecturers from many different countries, mostly from Scandinavia. I feel excided more confident after seeing how business deals are made in real company, but also I feel that I still have not enough knowledge. I either participated in courses organized by Demola, which usually were useful for improving managing skills.

“Summer in SPACE 2014” interested me so much, because a SPACE business certificate was one of the factors why I chose my college to study. I treat a „Digital Business Development” course as a good preparation for taking SPACE exams and opportunity to use this knowledge in my future work. I would be extremely found of participating in this course.
Poprawa czekam rozgrzeszenia:DD
Wlasciwie tak) nie bardzo sie lapie w formie polskiego szkolnictwa, bo zakonczylam tylko poczatkowkę, a na litwie jest trocha inny podzial) Ale korzystam z waszej laski z 8 klasy(2008r.) Nie raz wyręczaliscie mnie w trudnych sytuacjach)) Jestem bardzo wdzięczna) Rosniemy razem:DD Dziekuję)


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