Wypracowanie do sprawdzenia - vacuum cleaner.

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
miałem duża przerwę w pisanie tekstów, ale ostatnio wziąłem się za powtórki, no i dostałem do napisania wypracowanie. Będę wdzięczny za sprawdzenie i uwagi. Z góry dziękuję.

Subject: Write a small article about a certain product that you wanted to buy and it took you a long time to do a research, before you made your decision to buy it and what made you buy it. What challenges you faced that made you to think a lot before you buying it.

Last time when I wanted to buy some product… well it was not so long time ago and it was a vacuum cleaner for may flat. It was not so easy I was thinking at the beginning to buy, but after research on the internet and visiting few shops I became a happy owner of a brand new vacuum cleaner. Let me tell you about this shopping.
So I want to buy a vacuum cleaner, and I start to consider what advantages it should have. That product does not have to be fashionable and popular, for me the most important is a practical side. Firstly, it must be economical, therefore it should not only consume little energy but also have a bag for trash that is easy to buy and not expensive. Secondly, the cable of the vacuum cleaner must be long, because it is not fun to change the contact in every room or even every five meters. Another thing was size. I do not want to waste too much space in my flat for hiding a vacuum cleaner. Also it was important for me to have accessories (brushes for vacuum cleaner), at least three and one of them must be for wooden floors. And last, the price of this new product cannot be more than four hundred polish zloty.
After I determined my priorities I checked few shops whit some interesting products on the internet. After a while, one or two hours of surfing the net, I knew all best-selling vacuum cleaner and I read all interesting opinion about the best product for me. When I rejected the most expensive shops and these whit bad opinions, I choose two markets with the best prices. I checked the way and went to the shops. After few hours of watching, checking and asking about products I was at least at home with my brand new vacuum cleaner. I bought it from an Electrolux company, it cost me almost three hundred and fifty polish zloty and I am satisfied till this day.
edytowany przez boskipablo: 13 sty 2014
czy ktoś mógłby rzucić okiem? dziękuję
Zaznaczyłem NIEKTÓRE miejsca imo godne poprawy;)
Last time when I wanted to buy some product… well it was not so long time ago and it was a vacuum cleaner for may flat. It was not so easy I was thinking at the beginning to buy, but after ___ research on the internet and visiting ___ few shops I became a happy owner of a brand new vacuum cleaner. Let me tell you about this shopping np. MY EXPERIENCE.
So I want to buy a vacuum cleaner, and I start to consider what advantages it should have. That product does not have to be fashionable and popular, for me the most important is a practical side. Firstly, it must be economical, therefore it should not only consume little energy but also have a bag for trash that 'is easy to buy and not' EASILY AVAILABLE AND INexpensive. Secondly, the cable of the vacuum cleaner must be long, because it is not fun to change the contact in every room or even every five meters. Another thing was ___ size. I do not want to waste too much space in my flat for hiding a vacuum cleaner. Also it was important for me to have accessories (brushes for vacuum cleaner), at least three and one of them must be for wooden floors. And lastLY, the price of this new product cannot be more than four hundred polish zloty.
Również, dlaczego zaczynasz paragraf od I WANT i I START a później masz IT WAS /IMPORTANT/, np.
I zadecyduj kiedy zmienic A vacuum cleaner na THE vacuum cleaner;
edytowany przez fui_eu: 14 sty 2014
dziękuję bardzo za uwagi. Wiem, że jest sporo błędów ale od dobrych kilku lat nic dłuższego nie pisałem po angielsku. Poniżej poprawiona wersja.

Last time when I wanted to buy certain product… well it was not so long ago and it was a vacuum cleaner for to my flat. It was not so easy like I was thinking at the beginning, but after a research on the internet and visiting a few shops I became a happy owner of a brand new vacuum cleaner. Let me tell you about my expirience with these shopping.
It was Friday when I started thinking about buyng a vacuum cleaner. I began to consider what advantages it should have. That product does not have to be fashionable and popular, for me the most important is a practical side. Firstly, it must be economical, therefore it should not only consume little energy but also have a bag for trash that is easily avabile and not expensive. Secondly, the power cable of the vacuum cleaner must be long, because it is not fun to unplug the vacuum cleaner in every room. Another thing was the size. I do not want to waste too much space in my flat to hide the vacuum cleaner. Also it was important for me to have accessories (brushes for vacuum cleaner), at least three and one of them must be for wooden floors. And lastly, the price of this new product cannot be more than four hundred polish zloty.
After I determined my priorities I checked few shops whit some interesting products on the internet. After a while, one or two hours of surfing the net, I knew all best-selling vacuum cleaner and I read all interesting opinion about the best product for me. When I rejected the most expensive shops and these whit bad opinions, I choose two markets with the best prices. I checked the way and went to the shops. After few hours of watching, checking and asking about products I was at least at home with my brand new vacuum cleaner. I bought it from an Electrolux company, it cost me almost three hundred and fifty polish zloty and I am satisfied till this day.

czekam na dalsze uwagi...
for to my flat. Albo FOR albo TO. Które?
It was not so easy like I was thinking at the beginning, Daj AS zamiast LIKE i WAS THINKING w innej formie /AS EASY AS.../
Ja bym tylko dał MY EXPERIENCE
Power cable to brzmi jak linie wysokiego napięcia. Jabym ujal POWER CORD
Może: not fun unplugging the vc and plugging it back in in other areas of the flat
Ja bym dał inne slowo w miejsce HIDE. Zaczyna sie na S....;)
edytowany przez fui_eu: 14 sty 2014
Last time when I wanted to buy certain product… well it was not so long ago and it was a vacuum cleaner for my flat. It was not as easy as I thought at the beginning, but after a research on the internet and visiting a few shops I became a happy owner of a brand new vacuum cleaner. Let me tell you about my expirience.
It was Friday when I started thinking about buyng a vacuum cleaner. I began to consider what advantages it should have. That product does not have to be fashionable and popular, for me the most important is a practical side. Firstly, it must be economical, therefore it should not only consume little energy but also have a bag for trash that is easily avabile and inexpensive. Secondly, the power cord of the vacuum cleaner must be long, because it is not fun unplugging the vacuum cleaner and plugging it back in other areas of the flat. Another thing was the size. I do not want to waste too much space in my flat to storage (o to słówko chodziło? ;)) the vacuum cleaner. Also it was important for me to have accessories (brushes for vacuum cleaner), at least three and one of them must be for wooden floors. And lastly, the price of this new product cannot be more than four hundred polish zloty.
After I determined my priorities I checked few shops whit some interesting products on the internet. After a while, one or two hours of surfing the net, I knew all best-selling vacuum cleaner and I read all interesting opinion about the best product for me. When I rejected the most expensive shops and these whit bad opinions, I choose two markets with the best prices. I checked the way and went to the shops. After few hours of watching, checking and asking about products I was at least at home with my brand new vacuum cleaner. I bought it from an Electrolux company, it cost me almost three hundred and fifty polish zloty and I am satisfied till this day.

dzięki, poprawiłem nowe uwagi i czekam na jeszcze ;)
Storage jest noun, potrzebujesz verb;)
Last time when I wanted to buy certain product… well it was not so long ago and it was a vacuum cleaner for my flat. It was not as easy as I thought at the beginning, but after a research on the internet and visiting a few shops I became a happy owner of a brand new vacuum cleaner. Let me tell you about my expirience.
It was Friday when I started thinking about buyng a vacuum cleaner. I began to consider what advantages it should have. That product does not have to be fashionable and popular, for me the most important is a practical side. Firstly, it must be economical, therefore it should not only consume little energy but also have a bag for trash that is easily avabile and inexpensive. Secondly, the power cord of the vacuum cleaner must be long, because it is not fun unplugging the vacuum cleaner and plugging it back in other areas of the flat. Another thing was the size. I do not want to waste too much space in my flat to store (teraz chyba ok ;)) the vacuum cleaner. Also it was important for me to have accessories (brushes for vacuum cleaner), at least three and one of them must be for wooden floors. And lastly, the price of this new product cannot be more than four hundred polish zloty.
After I determined my priorities I checked few shops whit some interesting products on the internet. After a while, one or two hours of surfing the net, I knew all best-selling vacuum cleaner and I read all interesting opinion about the best product for me. When I rejected the most expensive shops and these whit bad opinions, I choose two markets with the best prices. I checked the way and went to the shops. After few hours of watching, checking and asking about products I was at least at home with my brand new vacuum cleaner. I bought it from an Electrolux company, it cost me almost three hundred and fifty polish zloty and I am satisfied till this day.
edytowany przez boskipablo: 15 sty 2014
(ja bym dala tutaj przedimek THE) last time when I wanted to buy (brak przedimka) certain product… well it was not so long ago and it was a vacuum cleaner for my flat. It was not as easy as I thought at the beginning, but after 'a' (niepotr)(daj inne slowo) research on the internet and visiting a few shops I became 'a' (zly przedimek tutaj musi byc THE) happy owner of a brand new vacuum cleaner. Let me tell you about my 'expirience' (blad ortog).
It was Friday when I started thinking about 'buyng' (ortog) a vacuum cleaner.
'That' (nie za trafne slowo, dalabym 'the') product does not have to be fashionable and popular, for me the most important is 'a' (zly przedimek) practical side. Firstly, it must be economical, therefore it should not only consume little energy but also have a bag for trash that is easily 'avabile' (ortog) and inexpensive.
I 'do' (zly czas) not want to waste too much space in my flat to store the vacuum cleaner. Also it was important for me to have accessories (brushes for vacuum cleaner), at least three and one of them 'must' (zle slowo, tutaj 'had to') be for wooden floors. And lastly, the price of this new product 'cannot' (could not) be more than four hundred polish zloty. (mozna 400PLN)
After I determined my priorities I checked (przedimek) few shops 'whit' (ortog) some interesting products on the internet. After a while, one or two hours of surfing the net, I knew 'all' (jak dajesz slowo 'all' to 'vacuum cleaners musza byc w l. mn) best-selling vacuum cleaner and I read all (przedimek) interesting opinion about the best product for me. When I rejected the most expensive shops and these 'whit' (ortog) bad opinions, I 'choose' (zly czas) two markets with the best prices. After few hours of 'watching' (zle slowo, tutaj 'looking'), checking and asking about (przedimek) products I was at least at home with my brand new vacuum cleaner. I bought it from an Electrolux company, it cost me almost three hundred and fifty polish zloty (350PLN) and I am satisfied (with it) till this day.
Cytat: klemens001

no, no, widac, ze musisz jeszcze cos tam jego poprawic.....
Dzięki wielkie za pomoc, poprawilem, teraz powinno być ok... I hope so.

The last time when I wanted to buy a certain product… well it was not so long ago and it was a vacuum cleaner for my flat. It was not as easy as I thought at the beginning, but after some research on the internet and visiting a few shops I became the happy owner of a brand new vacuum cleaner. Let me tell you about my experience.
It was Friday when I started thinking about buying a vacuum cleaner. The product does not have to be fashionable and popular, for me the most important is the practical side. Firstly, it must be economical, therefore it should not only consume little energy but also have a bag for trash that is easily available and inexpensive.
I did not want to waste too much space in my flat to store the vacuum cleaner. Also it was important for me to have accessories (brushes for vacuum cleaner), at least three and one of them had to be for wooden floors. And lastly, the price of this new product could not be more than 400 PLN.
After I determined my priorities I checked a few shops with some interesting products on the internet. After a while, one or two hours of surfing the net, I knew all best-selling vacuum cleaners and I read all an interesting opinion about the best product for me. When I rejected the most expensive shops and these with bad opinions, I chose two markets with the best prices. After few hours of looking, checking and asking about these products I was at least at home with my brand new vacuum cleaner. I bought it from an Electrolux company, it cost me almost 350 PLN and I am satisfied with it till this day.
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.


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