Proszę o sprawdzenie planu wydarzeń z serialu.

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Muszę napisać plan wydarzeń do dwóch odcinków angielskiego serialu "Keeping Up Appearances". Nie czuję się pewnie w tej kwestii, dlatego proszę o sprawdzenie czy dobrze napisałem.
Episode 1
1. The father Hyacinth Bucket is taken to hospital.
2. Hyacinth is informed about father and she goes to sister Daisy.
3. Hyacinth is visited father in hospital.
4. Richard and Hyacinth are returned to home.
5. Elizabeth is goes to Hyacinth to tea.
6. Hyacinth is talked with Wiolette about father accident.
7. Electrician is came to Hyacinth home and check counter-current.
8. Hyacinth is organized dinner at candles.
9. Hyacynth is talked with son Sheridan at telephone.
10. Hyacinth is goes to Major greenhouse.

Episode 2
1. Hyacinth is talked with Richard in garden.
2. Rose is talked with Hyacinth about her broken-heart at Mr. Hepplewhite.
3. Gypsy is visited Daisy and Onslow and bode Rose.
4. Hyacinth plans to meet with Vinrar.
5. Daisy and Onslow are drove to Hyacinth and they talk about missing father.
6. Daisy, Onslow and Richard are drove to search Hyacinth father.
7. Vinrar with Wife are visited Hyacinth to tea.
8. Daisy, Onslow and Richard are returned to Hyacinth home at money on fuel.
9. Rose is goes to Hyacinth the wedding dress her mother.
10. Rose is grab Virar and runs with him.
oprócz dwóch pierwszych, wszystko prawie źle przez ten sam bład - niepotrzebnie używasz strony biernej i nie wiesz jak jej używać

np. Hyacinth is visited father in hospital.
Hyacinth visits father in hospital.
Yhym. Rozumiem.
Episode 1
1. The father Hyacinth Bucket is taken to hospital.
2. Hyacinth is informed about father and she goes to sister Daisy.
3. Hyacinth visits father in hospital.
4. Richard and Hyacinth returns to home.
5. Elizabeth goes to Hyacinth to tea.
6. Hyacinth talks with Wiolette about father accident.
7. Electrician comes to Hyacinth home and he checks counter-current.
8. Hyacinth organized dinner at candles.
9. Hyacynth talks with son Sheridan at telephone.
10. Hyacinth goes to Major greenhouse.

Episode 2
1. Hyacinth talks with Richard in garden.
2. Rose talks with Hyacinth about her broken-heart at Mr. Hepplewhite.
3. Gypsy visits Daisy and Onslow and bode Rose.
4. Hyacinth plans to meet with Vinrar.
5. Daisy and Onslow drives to Hyacinth and they talk about missing father.
6. Daisy, Onslow and Richard drives to search Hyacinth father.
7. Vinrar with Wife visits Hyacinth to tea.
8. Daisy, Onslow and Richard returns to Hyacinth home at money on fuel.
9. Rose goes to Hyacinth the wedding dress her mother.
10. Rose grabs Virar and runs with him.
1 ojciec nazywa sie Hiacynt Bukiet?
Episode 1
1. The father (tutaj cos brakuje) Hyacinth Bucket is taken to hospital.
2. Hyacinth is informed about (tu cos brakuje) father and she goes to (tu cos brakuje) sister Daisy.
3. Hyacinth visits (tu cos brakuje) father in hospital.
4. Richard and Hyacinth 'returns' (dlaczego dajesz 3os.l.poj - jak masz 2 osoby?) 'to' (niepotr) home.
5. Elizabeth goes to Hyacinth 'to' (zle slowo) tea.
6. Hyacinth talks with 'Wiolette' (co to za slowo, to jest VIOLET) about 'father' (ojciec? chyba ojca? cos brakuje) accident.
7. (przedimek) electrician comes to 'Hyacinth' (cos brakuje) home and he checks 'counter-current' (nie rozumiem co to jest).
8. Hyacinth organized dinner 'at' (nie rozumiem dlaczego to jest 'at') candles.
9. Hyacynth talks with (cos brak) son Sheridan 'at' (dlaczego uzywasz zle slowa?) (brak przedimka) telephone.
10. Hyacinth goes to 'Major' (cos brakuje) greenhouse.

Episode 2
1. Hyacinth talks with Richard in (a gdzie przedimek?) garden.
2. Rose talks with Hyacinth about her broken-heart 'at' (zle slowo) Mr. Hepplewhite.
3. (brak przedimka) gypsy visits Daisy and Onslow and 'bode' (co to za slowo?) Rose.
4. Hyacinth plans to meet with Vinrar.
5. Daisy and Onslow 'drives' (dlaczego uzywasz czasownik 3os.l.poj, jak jest mowa o 2 osobach?) to Hyacinth and they talk about (cos brak) missing father.
6. Daisy, Onslow and Richard 'drives' (popraw) to search (cos brak) 'Hyacinth' (cos brak) father.
7. Vinrar with Wife 'visits' (popraw) Hyacinth 'to' (cos zmien) tea.
8. Daisy, Onslow and Richard 'returns' (popraw) to 'Hyacinth' (cos brak) home 'at money on fuel' (tego nie rozumiem).
9. Rose goes to Hyacinth 'the wedding dress her mother' (tego nie rozumiem).
10. Rose grabs Virar and runs OFF with him.
Widzę, że popełniłem sporo poważnych błędów.
Postarałem się to poprawić.
Episode 1
1. The father of Hyacinth Bucket is taken to hospital.
2. Hyacinth is informed about about her father and she goes to the sister Daisy.
3. Hyacinth visits the father in hospital.
4. Richard and Hyacinth'return home.
5. Elizabeth goes to Hyacinth for tea.
6. Hyacinth talks with Violet about accident by father.
7. The electrician comes to Hyacinth house and he checks watt-hour meter.
8. Hyacinth organized a candlelight dinner.
9. Hyacynth talks with the son Sheridan on the phone.
10. Hyacinth goes to glasshouse.

Episode 2
1. Hyacinth talks with Richard in the garden.
2. Rose talks with Hyacinth about her broken-heart by Mr. Hepplewhite.
3. The gypsy visits Daisy and Onslow and betoken Rose.
4. Hyacinth plans to meet with Vinrar.
5. Daisy and Onslow drive to Hyacinth and they talk about her missing father.
6. Daisy, Onslow and Richard drive to search the father of Hyacinth.
7. Vinrar and her Wife visit Hyacinth for tea.
8. Daisy, Onslow and Richard returns to Hyacinth house.
9. Rose goes to Hyacinth and she talks about the wedding dress.
10. Rose grabs Virar and runs off with him.
Ep 1.
about about
6. wypadek /czyjego/ ojca
Episode 1, cont'd
8. ?
9. Ja bym raczej dał czyj syn a nie the son.
To co numerujesz 1 - 10, u nas nazywamy episodes, a to co nazwałaś episode - season;)
Disregard this:
To co numerujesz 1 - 10, u nas nazywamy episodes, a to co nazwałaś episode - season;)

2. Hyacinth is informed about 'about' (po co 2 razy?) her father and she goes to 'the' (nie, tutaj ma byc 'jej siostry) sister Daisy.
3. Hyacinth visits 'the' (nie, tutaj chcialam zebys napisal 'jej ojca') father in hospital.
6. Hyacinth talks with Violet about 'accident by father' (a dlaczego nie napisales ojca wypadek?- tylko po ang).
7. The electrician comes to 'Hyacinth' (nie, tutaj ma byc czyj? czyje? Hyacinth'S house and he checks 'watt-hour' (nie, to nazywamy 'electric') meter.
8. Hyacinth 'organized' (nie, tutaj zly czas - organises) a candlelight dinner.
9. Hyacynth talks with 'the' (nie, tutaj daj 'jej' bo tylko ma jednego) son Sheridan on the phone.
10. Hyacinth goes to 'glasshouse.' (cos mi sie to nie za bardzo podoba - chyba 'conservatory')

Episode 2
3. The gypsy visits Daisy and Onslow and 'betoken' (calkowicie nie rozumiem tego slowa. Co ono ma znaczyc?)a Rose.
6. Daisy, Onslow and Richard drive to search FOR the 'father of Hyacinth' (napisz Hyacinth ojca - po ang).
7. Vinrar and 'her' (nie, bo wydaje mi sie ze Vinrar to jest mezczyzna) wife visit Hyacinth for tea.
8. Daisy, Onslow and Richard 'returns' (znowu nie poprawiles) to 'Hyacinth house' (tutaj cos jest zle).
9. Rose goes to Hyacinth and she talks about 'the' (nie tutaj chcialam zebys dodal 'jej') wedding dress.

Pomysl dokladnie jak zaznaczamy, ze cos nalezy do kogos.
Ep 2, 8
To jest też Richarda dom, Richard i Hyacinth to małżeństwo, czy nie?
Cytat: fui_eu
Ep 2, 8
To jest też Richarda dom, Richard i Hyacinth to małżeństwo, czy nie?

Richard i Hyacinth to malzenstwo, tak samo jak Onslow i Daisy. Rose to samotna 'ladykiller' szukajaca mezczyzny do slubu.
Hyacinth ma na nazwisko 'Bucket' ale ona to wymawia 'Bouquet' - bo jej sie wydaje, ze jest 'posher' od Daisy i Onslow.
Czyli zgodzisz się że 8 jest całkiem źle napisane;)
Cytat: fui_eu
Czyli zgodzisz się że 8 jest całkiem źle napisane;)

jak masz na mysli, ze Richard (maz) wraca do domu zony (Hyacinth) to jzdanie jest niefortunnie napisane. Trzeba napisac, ze Daisy i Onslow wracaja 'to the Bucket residence' albo do domu Richard and Hyacinth.
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.


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