Sprawdzenie eseju

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czy ktos moglby mi sprawdzic moj esej. Niestety ma on kilka stron i nie chcialabym go wklejac w calosci na strone. czy moglabym przeslac go komus na maila? bardzo prosze o pomoc
moze ktos porawil by chociaz pierwsza czesc...
First interpreters were taking part of the group of merchant who were traveling all over the world in order to bargain. They acted as a connection between the latters and different native populations. Interpreters were learning foreign languages by communing with human beings, by hearing and memorizing words and sentences and comparing them to people’s reactions. Such a study of the primal languages without any linguistic theory placed the interpreters in a very high social position as familiar with the arcane arts. The development of commerce forced the development of languages, used by people all over the world but without writing the effective learning of foreign languages were impossibile. Therefore the need for the interpreters were so high. Diffusing and promulgating the word, they functioned as a key part of the creating society. Nowadays the globalisation of the world and the birth of the global village cause that the need for the interpreters is always more and more higher. From the other side the ease with which we started to travel and exchange information create some kind of revolution in the art of translation. Number of books, automatic translation systems but also the development of linguistic itself have caused the meaningful changes in the mode of the interpreter’s work.
Cytat: Caterina2105
moze ktos porawil by chociaz pierwsza czesc...
First interpreters were taking ZLY CZAS part ZLE WYRAZENIE 'BRAC UDZIAL W GRUPIE'? of the group of merchant GRUPA KUPCA who were traveling all over the world in order to bargain TARGOWAC SIE. They acted as a connection between the latters<-NIE MA TAKIEGO SLOWA and different native populations. Interpreters were learning ZLY CZAS foreign languages by communing ZLE SLOWO with human beings, by hearing and memorizing words and sentences and comparing them to people’s reactions. Such a study of the primal languages without any linguistic theory placed the interpreters in a very high social position as ONES/THOSE ITP. familiar with the arcane arts. The development of commerce forced the development of languages, ZLY PRZECINEK used by people all over the world but without writing the effective learning of foreign languages were ZLA FORMA impossibile. Therefore the need for the interpreters were ZNOWU so high. Diffusing and promulgating ZLE SLOWO the word CHODZI O BIBLIE?, they functioned as a key part of the creating TWORZACE society. Nowadays the globalisation of the world and the birth of the global village cause ZLA KONSTRUKCJA CZASOWNIKOWA that the need for the interpreters is always more and more BLAD GRAMATYCZNY higher. From the other side POLONIZM the ease with which we started to travel and exchange information create TO JEST BEZOKOLICZNIK some kind of revolution in the art of translation. Number of books, automatic translation systems but also the development of linguistic PRZYMIOTNIK itself have caused the meaningful changes in the mode of the interpreter’s work.

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