
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Proszę o sprawdzenie transformacji.

1. John would rather not go swimming today.
feel -> John doesn't feel like going swimming today.
2. Kim is not usually rude.
like -> It is not like Kate to be rude.
3. He couldn't drive safely because the roads were very icy.
too -> The roads were too icy to drive safely.
4. He asked me how much I paid for my watch.
cost -> He wanted to know how much my watch cost.
5.They should be here by noon.
arrived -> They will have arrived by noon.
6. Marry isn't allowed to stay out late.
let -> Mary's parents don't let her stay out late.
7.The earthquake led to the house being demolished.
result -> The house had to be demolish as a result of the earthquake.
8. I can't lift this bag because it is so heavy.
me -> This bag is too heavy for me to lift.
9. I can't believe that is the best they can do.
better -> They must be able to get better that!
10. I'm certain he didn't write the report himself.
have -> He can't have written the repot himself.
11. "Have you seen my keys?" he asked.
seen -> He asked me if I had seen his keys.
12. Thay said that we had to learn Spanish last year.
made -> They .... Spanish last year. - nie mam pojęcia.
13. They are going to demolish the old factory tomorrow.
pulled -> The old factory is going to be pulled down tomorrow.
14. You must do exactly as she tells you.
carry -> You must carry out her instructions exactly.
15. It wasn't fair to punish him.
deserve -> He didn't deserve to be punished.
16. I'd rather you didn't play that music so loud.
mind -> Would you mind not playing that music so loud?
17."Don't open the door, Sue!" said Mr Brown.
not -> Mr Brown said me not to open the door.
18. We should go home now.
time -> It is high time to go home.
19. You might feel thirsty, so take some water.
case -> Take some water in case you feel thirsty.
20. He turned round only after they called his name.
until -> He didn't turn round until they called his name.
21. If I had left a moment later, I'd have missed the bus.
in -> I left just in a moment of missing the bus.
22. He's proud of his children's achievements.
pride -> He takes/feels pride in his children's achievements.
23. She has never cooked me a meal before.
time -> It's the first time she has cooked me a meal.
24. They seem to be having some problems.
seems -> It seems that they have some problems.
25. If I finish work early, I'll go to the party.
unless -> I won't go to the party unless I finish work early.
edytowany przez zsuetam1: 29 lip 2014
2. Wolisz z Kaśką, a nie z byle Kim?
3. He couldn't drive safely because the roads were very icy.
too -> The roads were too icy to drive safely. ZNAJDŹ MIEJSCE DLA NIEGO
7.The earthquake led to the house being demolished.
result -> The house had to be demolish as a result of the earthquake. MUSIAŁ ZOSTAĆ ZNISZCZYĆ?
9. I can't believe that is the best they can do.
12. Thay said that we had to learn Spanish last year.
made -> They .... Spanish last year. - nie mam pojęcia. MAKE SBD DO STH, NIC INNEGO NIE PASUJE
17."Don't open the door, Sue!" said Mr Brown.
not -> Mr Brown said me not to open the door. NA PEWNO NIE 'SAID'
18. We should go home now.
time -> It is high time to go home. NIBY OK, ALE WOLALBYM TU WIDZIEC UNREAL PAST
21. If I had left a moment later, I'd have missed the bus.
in -> I left just in a moment of missing the bus.TO NIC NIE ZNACZY. MA BYC 'W SAM RAZ NA CZAS'
22. He's proud of his children's achievements.
pride -> He takes/feels pride in his children's achievements. TAKES
24. They seem to be having some problems.
seems -> It seems that they have some problems. ZLY CZAS W DRUGIEJ CZESCI
3. He couldn't drive safely because the roads were very icy.
too -> The roads were too icy for him to drive safely.
7. The earthquake led to the house being demolished.
result -> The house had to be demolished as a result of the earthquake.
9. I can't believe that is the best they can do.
better -> They must be able to do better that!
12. Thay said that we had to learn Spanish last year.
made -> They made us learn Spanish last year.
17."Don't open the door, Sue!" said Mr Brown.
not -> Mr Brown told her not to open the door.
18. We should go home now.
time -> It is time we went home.
21. If I had left a moment later, I'd have missed the bus.
in -> I left just in good time to the bus.
24. They seem to be having some problems.
seems -> It seems that they are having some problems.
21 np. żeby złapać
21. If I had left a moment later, I'd have missed the bus.
in -> I left just in good time to catch the bus.

Pozostałe są ok? :)
mg napisał - porównanie, użyj THAN

btw, ale Legia ciśnie Celtic :-) aż miło
Ja bym ominął good w 21

to Ty fui_eu? czemu zmieniłeś konto?
Już ktoś inny zadał mi identyczne pytanie na pw. Sam nie wiem dlaczego.
w sumie to ten nick fajniejszy, tamten to było nie wiadomo co :)

Okaaaaaay. I think.
Aaric brzmi jak Arek, tak masz na imię? :)
Cytat: Aaric
Już ktoś inny zadał mi identyczne pytanie na pw. Sam nie wiem dlaczego.

Dlatego ze macie prawie identyczny charakter ( i tresc i forma) wypowiedzi na tym forum zrowno w jezyju polskim jak i w angielskim. Ja to zauwazylem jak ostatni raz 'napisales' posta w 2010 roku.

To nie jest zarzut, tylko obserwacja. Nic mi do tego.

Na tym forum zjawisko sock popetting ( two accounts one individual) 'zanotowalem' w stosunku do:

merix= dobraczewski

moze nie mam racji oczywiscie

p.s. zapomnialem - przeciez ja zawsze mam racje :))
edytowany przez savagerhino: 30 lip 2014
mialo byc sock pUppeting, sorry

Ja wlasciwie nie mam powodu zmieniać konta ale jeżeli ktoś ma takie przekonanie, to niech tam.
Nick Aaric jest z nazwiska Makarek i dzięki wszystkim za nagłe zainteresowanie się moją osobą.
Jeszcze raz z calym szacunkiem: nic mi to nie obchodzi, naprawde:)

Odpowiedzialem tylko na pytanie dlaczego tak ludzie mogli pomyslec
9, 21 do poprawy zgodnie z sugestiami innych
9. I can't believe that is the best they can do.
better -> They must be able to do better than that!
21. If I had left a moment later, I'd have missed the bus.
in -> I left just in time to catch the bus
Dobrze? :)
ok i ok
Dziękuje! ;-)
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.


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