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Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Opowiedz o swoim pobycie w restauracji. Musiałam uwzględnić kiedy, z jakiej okazji, kto, jak ubrani, co na główny posiłek, co na przystawkę i deser, jaką obsługa, jak zapłaciliśmy rachunek, czy daliśmy napiwek, kiedy i jak dokonałam rezerwacji :)
The last time when i was in restaurant it was two weeks ago. My mum and dad has then 25 wedding anniversary. Together with my brother we dacided to invite them for a gala dinner with the loved ones : Grandmother and grandfather brother and his wife, aunt with uncle and me with my boyfriend. We chose,, Bellini,, restaurant with Italian kitchen. I have hard it is the best restaurant in the area so I make a reservation the week before by phone. In the restaurant was playing italian music. It was very cool. Everyone where dressed very smartly. Women have beautifull dresses and gentelemen elegant shirts. At the start we ordered the ceremonial champagne for Everyone and we made parents wishes. The menu was very rich in various dishes. For the main course we ordered Herbal Lasagne with grilled eggplant and Minestrone soup with noodles. For snap we ordered Caprese salad with raspberries and Antipassto Toscano. For dessert we ordered Pana Cotta with fruit and tiramisu for that also Coffee, Tea, Juices and still water. The weitres was very nice but we little long waited for the main course. All the dishes were very tasty and especially dessert. At the end of dinner my brother asked for the bill and left tip. Parents were very happy with all loved
przepraszam,że piszę w tym temacie, ale chciałem się spytać jak dodać nowy temat ? Bo nie mogę nic takiego znaleźć ?
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