E-learning essay

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Proszę o sprawdzenie błędów (również interpunkcyjnych) w poniższym eseju:

In times of increasing development of the Internet, people seek for convenient ways to improve their quality of life. One of manners is e-learning, a process of teaching based on the Internet which uses various electronic technology in education. Some experts say that this kind of learning has equally as many advantages as disadvantage.
One of major advantages of e-learning is undoubtedly flexibility and general availability, which allow people from around the world use this method of education. In addition, people who are disabled, suffer from some ailments gain a possibility of personal growth and improvement of educational level. Moreover, this option is also aimed to women who having children and not enough money to find a good babysitter.
The first negative aspects of e-learning is that it requires a lot of perseverance and determination from their learners, because e-learning occurs out of classroom and also people are not obligated to go to school. Moreover, learners often have to show a great dedication to study and perfect organization of time, what can turn out to be extremely hard. Besides, e-learning does not give students the opportunity to meet new, interesting people.
Taking everything into consideration there is no doubt that e-learning has many advantages, gives the chance of self-development to disabled, ill or busy people. However, in the light of presented arguments, it is obvious that e-learning is different from standard learning and it carries certain, inevitable disadvantages.
(zdania bezbledne zostaly usuniete, reszta do poprawienia)

In times of increasing development of the Internet, people seek 'for' (niepotrzebne slowo) convenient ways to improve their quality of life. One of (tu brakuje przedimka, niestety sama musisz poszukac jakiego) ,'manners' (to jest zle slowo, zle Ci ten slownik tlumaczy, tutaj ma byc 'ways') is e-learning, a 'process of teaching' (lepiej ...a teaching process) based on the Internet which uses various electronic technology in (tutaj mi brakuje jakiegos slowa - poszukaj jakie moze pasowac) education. Some experts say that this kind of learning has equally as many advantages as 'disadvantage' (daj tutaj l. mnoga).
One of major advantages of e-learning is undoubtedly (brak przedimka) flexibility and general availability, which 'allow' (tutaj ja widze 'allows') people from around the world (tu cos brakuje) use this method of education. In addition, people who are disabled(,) (nie dawaj przecinka, jak po nim masz tylko jedno wiecej stwierszenie, tutaj wtedy pasuje 'and' albo 'or') suffer from some ailments gain a possibility of personal growth and improvement of (tutaj brakuje slowa odpowiadajace 'ich') educational level. Moreover, this option is also aimed 'to' AT (you aim something AT a woman) women who 'having' (nie, tutaj ma byc slowo 'have'-maja) children and not enough money to find a good babysitter.
The first negative 'aspects' (nie, tu musi byc l. poj, bo piszesz 'first aspect',) of e-learning is that it requires a lot of perseverance and determination from 'their' (nie, jak masz 'first' - to wtedy musi byc 'its', jak chcesz zmienic i dac 'the negative aspects' to mozesz zostawic 'their') learners, because e-learning occurs out of (przedimek) classroom and also people are not 'obligated' (tutaj moze byc silniejsze slowo, np. 'forced') to go to school.
Taking everything into consideration there is no doubt that e-learning has many advantages, gives the chance of self-development to (przedimek) disabled, 'ill' (w jakim sensie? bo mysle, ze disabled to moze znaczy to samo) or busy people.
Proszę o sprawdzenie i poprawienie listu
Hi Luke !
J'm Kuba. I live in Plock in central Polish, with Mom and Dad. I'm 14 years old. I go to high school in Plock Alexaner Maciesza. I'm in the second class of gymnasium .In this year, didn't take any exams. For the year in April I seemed lower secondary school examinations. Everyone must pass an examination in Math, Polish, History, Biology, Chemistry, and foreign language, I seemed from English. What am I good at? Well, I'm pretty good at Biology, History, German, but I'm not so good at Math. What subjects didn't like? I don't like Physical Education, because I don't like to play football. Fishing is my main hobby. In any free time, when it is warm ride to fish with my dad.
Podszyles sie na post innej osoby - nieladnie.

Hi Luke '!' (dlaczego na niego krzyczycz od samego poczatku?)
'J'm' (popraw) Kuba. I live in Plock in central 'Polish' (zla czesc mowy, to jest kraj-popraw), with Mom and Dad.
I go to high school in Plock 'Alexaner Maciesza' (niepotr, jak juz chcesz to napisac, to ma byc na poczatku). I'm in the second 'class' (zle pojecie, tu ma byc 'year' bo to jest 2gi rok) of gymnasium . In this year, (kto? co? trzeba napisac) 'didn't' (tu masz czas przeszly, ale chyba mowisz o czasie przyszlym - dostosuj to) take any exams. 'For the year in April' (tego to calkowicie nie rozumiem) I 'seemed' (zle uzycie slowa - prosto z kiepskiego translatora) in lower secondary school examinations. Everyone must pass an examination in Math, Polish, History, Biology, Chemistry, and (brak przedimka) foreign language, I 'seemed' (calkowicie nie rozumiem uzycia tego slowa tutaj) from English.
What subjects (kto? co? musisz napisac) 'didn't' (zly czas - mowisz o teraz) like?
In any free time, when it is warm (kto? co? musisz sie nauczyc, ze trzeba pisac 'kto' to robi) 'ride' (zle slowo, tutaj napisz, 'I go') 'to fish' (nie, to jest zle, ma byc 'fishing') with my dad.
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