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z góry dziękuję

The thieves went into a bank, pulled out a gun and took money from the safe. they were going out when, street cleaner noticed them. He called the police. A police car arrived and the police immediately arrested the criminals. At the police station witness was identified two members of the gang. At the case, the judge sent the men to prison.

Złodzieje weszli do banku, wyciągnęli broń, a potem zabrali pieniądze z sejfu. Gdy wychodzili, zauważył ich sprzątacz. Zadzwonił na policję. Policja przyjechała i natychmiast aresztowała przestępców. Na komisariacie świadek rozpoznał dwóch członków gangu. Na rozprawie sędzia wysłał winnych do więzienia.
Przedimki przed money, street cleaner, witness

witness was identified - swiadek zostal zidentyfikowany :-)
The thieves went into a bank, pulled out a gun and took all money from the safe. they were going out when, the street cleaner noticed them. He called the police. A police car arrived and the police immediately arrested the criminals. At the police station the witness was identifing two members of the gang. At the case, the judge sent the men to prison.
czy tak będzie dobrze?
Wciaz brakuje jednego przedimka
Zly czas tam jest, musisz napisac ' zidentyfikowal'
The thieves went into a bank, pulled out a gun and took all money from the safe. they were going out when, the street cleaner noticed them. He called the police. A police car arrived and the police immediately arrested the criminals. At the police station the witness identified two members of the gang. At the case, the judge sent the men to prison.
a teraz? nie wiem gdzie brakuje przedimka
The thieves went into a bank, pulled out 'a gun' (cos mi tu nie gra, do banku wpadlo wiecej jak jeden, musialo ich byc najmniej dwoje, ale mieli tylko 'jeden gun' to znaczy musieli sie nim dzielic czy cos?) and took all (przedimek) money from the safe. They were going out when(,) (przecinek jest w zlym miejscu) the street cleaner noticed them.
At 'the case' (cos tu nie rozumiem - cos brak, jaka case?) , the judge sent the men to prison.
bardzo dziękuję za rady
The thieves went into a bank, pulled out guns and took all the money from the safe. they were going out, when the street cleaner noticed them. He called the police. A police car arrived and the police immediately arrested the criminals. At the police station the witness identified two members of the gang. At the (court hearing/trial/session- które z tych słów będą tu najlepsze?), the judge sent the men to prison.
Nie możesz inaczej ująć 2 zdanie. I zacznij z wielkiej litery;)
inaczej czyli jak? jak powinno być poprawnie? jakie słowo jest najlepsze w ostatnim zdaniu?
inaczej czyli jak? jak powinno być poprawnie? jakie słowo jest najlepsze w ostatnim zdaniu?
Np: Jak uciekali...
Ja bym dał tylko In court, the judge...
bardzo dziękuję za pomoc
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