Opis Buckingham Palace- proszę o sprawdzenie

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Proszę o sprawdzenie mojego opisu pałacu Buckingham. Z góry dziękuję za pomoc.

Buckingham Palace is the official residence of the British monarch, and is the largest in the world royal palace. It is located at Saint James Park, between the parks of St. James, Green Park and a private garden of the queen. It was built in 1705 as a townhouse of the Duke in London. Today palace is the seat of the Queen Elizabeth II and royal family, is also a place for state ceremonies and official meetings of Heads of State. The palace was rebuilt 1825-1836, designed by J. Nash. Then the added, located on the garden side an impressive Marble Arch. Royal banner hanging on the full amount when the monarch resides in the palace, and when leaving, the banner is removed. One of the recent structural additives is made in the years 19, located in the eastern part of the palace stylish and originally ornate the royal couple instances balcony. Buckingham Palace is an elegant and graceful is a magnificent symbol of London. The most visible element of the buildings are classic Corinthian columns.
Buckingham Palace is the official residence of the British monarch. (tu daj kropke koniec zdania)
IT is the largest 'in the world royal palace' (arse over tit - zla kolejnosc slow). It is located 'at' IN (przeciez mowimy ...in the park, a nie ..*at the park) Saint James Park, between 'the parks of St. James, Green Park' (nie, zla kol slow) and a private garden of the 'queen' (zawsze duza litera). It was built in 1705 as a townhouse of the 'Duke in' (cos mi tu nie pasuje, daj calosc jego imienia) London. Today (przecinek) (przedimek) palace is the seat of 'the' (niepotr) Queen Elizabeth II and (przedimek) 'royal family' (duza litera, nazwa wlasna) AND is also a place for state ceremonies and official meetings of (przedimek) Heads of State. The palace was rebuilt (cos tu brak) 1825-1836, 'designed by J. Nash' (cos mi tu sie nie podoba, czy to bylo wedlug jego design - to wtedy tak napisz). 'Then the added' (nie, nie tak, ale nie wiem co masz na mysli), located on the garden side 'an' (jest tylko jedna, zly przedimek) impressive Marble Arch. (przedimek) Royal banner 'hanging' (zly czas, tutaj 'hangs') 'on' (nie, nie, tak, tutaj AT) 'the' (niepotr) full 'amount' (nie, to jest zle slowo, tutaj 'mast') when the monarch resides in the 'palace' (duza litera), and when leaving, the banner is removed. One of the recent structural 'additives' (zle slowo) 'is made in the years 19' (cos tutaj nie tak) , 'located in the eastern part of the palace stylish and originally ornate the royal couple instances balcony' (to jest po prostu nie do zrozumienia, dlaczego uzywasz kiepskiego translatora, albo tlumaczyc slowo w slowo z polskiego - napisz to poprawnie). Buckingham Palace is an elegant and graceful (ale co? musisz napoisac) is a magnificent symbol of London. The most visible element of the buildings (ale czego? musisz napisac) are (przedimek) classic Corinthian columns.

Prosze zrob cos z tymi przedimkami (a, an, the).
Drugie - prosze formulowac zdania wedlug zasad ang. gramatyki.
Buckingham Palace is the official residence of the British monarch. It is the largest royal palace in the world. It is located in Saint James Park, between the parks of St. James, Green Park and a private garden of the Queen. It was built in 1705 as a townhouse of the Duke in London. Today, the palace is the seat of Queen Elizabeth II and the Royal Family and is also a place for state ceremonies and official meetings of the Heads of State. The palace was rebuilt in 1825-1836, it was designed by architect J. Nash. The Royal Banner hangs at full mast when the monarch resides in the Palace, and when leaving, the banner is removed. An important part of the palace is made in the years 19 stylish balcony. It is located in the eastern part of the palace. Buckingham Palace is an elegant and graceful, the Brits is a magnificent symbol of London. The most visible element of the Palace are the classic Corinthian columns, which hold the elegant portico. At the gate of the palace hangs imposing royal coat of arms. On the square in front of the palace since 1913 is a magnificent monument to Queen Victoria. One of the most interesting sight is the Changing of the Guard. The guardsmen wear traditional uniform: a red coat and a black helmet.

Dopisałem kilka zdań
An important part of the palace is made in 'the years 19 stylish' (cos tutaj nie tak, popatrz na to jeszcze raz) balcony.
Buckingham Palace is 'an' (niepotr) elegant and graceful, FOR the Brits IT is a magnificent symbol of London.
At the gate of the palace hangs AN imposing royal coat of arms. On the square in front of the palace 'since 1913' (w zlym miejscu) is a magnificent monument to Queen Victoria (tutaj mozna dac 'erected in 1913). One of the most interesting sightS (bo masz one of...) is the Changing of the Guard.

teraz lepiej.
as an aise - kiedys mialam przyjemnosc wejsc do srodka i zobaczyc podziemie 'Buck House'.


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