Sprawdzenie listu.

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Witam, czy mógłby mi ktoś sprawdzić, czy napisałam dobrze list pod kątem gramatycznym? :)
Dears Mrs Jones,
I am writing in reply to your letter asking for information about our end-of-term party which I organise in our school.
The party will be held in the school hall on Saturday 1st July from 8pm to 11pm. In the hall there will be colorful balloons, some flowers and some lamps which will shine on the colors of the rainbow.
I found out that will come on the party many students of higher classes, so I think that will be the most 50 people. All time we will play great music, because will appear “John Smith’s Disco”. Moreover in the hall we will find large table on which will be plenty of food for example sushi. Mary and Eva will be responsible for prepare this part of the event.
Would you like to say me for how much I have to sell the tickets? And the finally I have last questions about posters, where I can hang these?
I would be grateful if you would let me know as soon as possible.

Yours sincerely,
'Dears' (zle slowo) Mrs Jones,
The party will be held in the school hall on Saturday 1st July ( potrzeba roku) from 8pm to 11pm. In the hall there will be colorful balloons, 'some' (napisz to inaczej, bo to wygląda tak jakby byle jakie kwiaty pozbierales i wlozyles do szklanek po piwie) flowers and 'some' (toznaczy ile?jedna?) lamps which will shine 'on the colors of the rainbow' (tego nie rozumiem).
I found out that (tutaj daj kto przyjdzie ...many students...) will come on the party 'many students of higher classes' (w zlymmiejscu), so I think that THERE will be AT the most 50 people. All (brak przedimka) time we will play great music, because 'will appear' (W ZLYMMIEJSCU) “John Smith’s Disco”. Moreover in the hall 'we' (od kiedy to ja i ty 'we' tam będziemy,napisz to ze to tam będzie) will find (przedimek) large table on which THERE (zapominasz o tym slowie) will be plenty of food for example sushi. Mary and Eva will be responsible for (przedimek) 'prepare' (zle slowo) this part of the event.
Would you like to 'say' (zle slowo, tutaj TELL) me for 'how' (ja bym wolala toslowo na samym końcu zdania) much I have to sell the tickets? 'And' (nie zaczynaj zdania z tym słowem, to nie jest jego funkcja w zdaniu) the finally I have last 'questions' (dlaczego to jest w l.mnogiej? masz tylko jedno pytanie) about posters, where I can hang these?
come on the party jest po polsku;) użyj inny preposition;)
edytowany przez Aaric: 16 lis 2014


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