Prezentacja na temat leśnictwa

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Witam. Czy mógłby ktoś sprawdzić tekst? Czy jest mniej więcej dobrze ?
Z góry dziękuję.

Good afternoon ladies and gentlemen . Let me introduce myself. As you probably know my name is PW and this is my friend PSZ. We are students of Poznań University of Live Sciences.
The subject of my presentation is “ Structure of State Forest “. My talk is particulary relevant to those of you who is involved with forests.
My presentation will take about 20 minutes. Don’t worry about taking notes. I’ve put all the important issues on a handout for you. There will be time for questions after our presentation.

Fistr of all I would like to present organization of state forest.
State forest are manage by General director of state forest. He manages Regional directors of state forest and establishments on a national scale
Regional directors control regional service establishments and Forest inspectorate. In Poland is 430 Forest inspectorate. The bosses in forest inspectorate ale forest managers.

As we can see forest manager manages directly 8 positions . Among others: 1.deputy forest manager 2.chief accountant 3. Secretary 4. Inżynier nadzoru ( there is no English translation . In second part of this presentation P. will say you about this position )
Forester manages forestry, He works directly in forest. He has one person to help . This person is under forester and he’s called podleśniczy.

Every worker has inalication . Distinctions let us identify the rank of employee. On distinctions we can find oak leaves , nails and beam. It has specific sizes.

In forests oblige business degree . We can distinguish 17 business degree .
If we don’t know if we can work for example as a forester we can check it on this list …

For example :
To work as a forester we have to work in forestry for 2 years and have completed studies or 4 years work in forestry and have graduated secondary school.
To work as a forester manager we have to work in forestry 8 years and have completed studies.

As you may know wage depends of position , qualifications and years of work.

In forestry basic rate is 125 % the lower wager.
The lower wage in Poland is 1240 zł ..
Nikt nie pomoże ?
lesniczowie powinni zbierac smieci w polskich lasach, bo jest ich o wiele za duzo
a w temacie wątku?
gdybym mial, to bym napisal :-)
particularLy relevant to those of you who is
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.


Pytania dotyczące języka angielskiego