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Chciałbym prosić o sprawdzenie listu do osoby zarządzającej turystyką na temat poprawienia aspektu turystycznego w moim mieście.
Oto on:
Dear Sir
I’m writing to you regarding to tourism in our city, which lately became weak. We can observe a significant drop in visitors.
In our own a lot of things would have to change in order to improve the number of tourists visiting them. More and more are unsatisfied about visiting place we live. I suppose a right example will be a lot of pollutions in our river.
No one want to bathe in the water like that. In my view it’s nearby factories owners fault, whose still throws out wastages of theirs factories. We should prohibite it. Moreover the streets and sidewalks are dirty very often. It will be good to increase frequency of cleaning it. Next step to make a count of visitors bigger is to popularize our town by tourism advertising in Internet. Another aspect on which we should pay attention is lack of good hotels, because not everyone likes sleeping in tent. What is more, we have neither a lot of tourst attractions nor monuments. To my mind we should take a care of it.
I believe you will take my letter to heart and the number of visitors will constantly grow.


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