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Mam napisać wypracowanie na angielski dotyczące sztucznej inteligencji. Chciałbym uzyskać waszą radę czy jest cokolwiek co byście w nim poprawili jeżeli chodzi o stylistykę i gramatykę :)
The future of AI
We live in age, where technological progress is way too fast for many of us. Although almost every month brings us new news about advancements in technology and new developments most probably there is a lot more to tell than has come to light so far. This very article is meant to shed some light on the matters of Artificial Intelligence.
The first question we have to answer is what is intelligence and then artificial intelligence? The intelligence is an ability associated mostly with humans. However scientists apply this capability to some kinds of animals like dolphins. It is mostly understood as ability to connect facts and therefore reaching logical conclusions. It is greatly desired in many intellectual jobs, although not only. It helps solve problems quicker, and some problems can’t be solved without intelligence at all. We start with a simple example like predicting upcoming weather based on current one and come to solving complicated mathematical equations.
Scientists discovered that underlying source of our intelligence are biological cells in our brains called neurons. They work in the way that we cannot even completely understand. But after years of developments first simulations of working human brain were created using computer processors. However, the processors work in completely different way. Therefore simulating one brain takes unimaginable number of processors counting in hundreds of thousands. And the last few years have brought us to a point where logical units are designed to resemble neuron structure. Leading developers in this area of science are IBM and Google. We know about that from press releases and increased number of stock exchange activity which shows that Google buy smaller firms that work in AI department.
Apart from technological advancements there are moral concerns as well. Many of us watched the “Terminator” movie. It shows a future where world has been dominated by an artificial intelligence called SkyNet , which decided to enslave human race. This movie is not the only example. In the tv series called “The person in interest” we see two machines with unlimited access to all surveillance. It’s job is to prevent terrorist attacks. However in this show, machine’s point of view is similar to it’s creator’s.
Considering all the fact’s we are mostly shown futures where pure artificial intelligence decides that humans are not worth saving or there is necessity to control them. However, real AI researchers are not afraid of that. Their biggest concern are changes that true AI’s would introduce. We already see people being fired because automatic machines do their job more efficiently. In the following months many intellectual authorities like Stephen Hawking and Elon Musk have revealed their concerns about AI’s. In their opinion introduction of AI’s which is inevitable should be executed very slowly with anticipation of possible negative effects. According to some results, even 47% of current jobs are endangered because of AI’s introduction.
czy ten okropnie zawikłany tekst na poziomie proficiency został autentycznie stworzony przez Ciebie? nie bardzo w to wierze- ponadto został wklejony do google tłumacza i dziwnym trafem tłumaczenie na polski jest składne -ale za to mechaniczne przełożenie na angielski jest nieporadne jak to zwykle bywa z mechanicznym tłumaczem- ale za to od czego są inni forumowicze,którzy się podejmą tej pracy? oj,nieładnie!