Opracowanie egzaminu różne formy.

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
zad. 1
1. Our auxiliary engine has just undergone some necessary repairs.
2. The bilge water hasn't been pumped yet, but they will start pumping at any moment.
3. The mechanic said that a fuse has just burn out and that it will be replaced it in a few minutes.
4. The engine needs to be overhauled
5. We will overhaul it next month
6. The C/E wanted to know if the faulty switch is replaced
7. We haven't arranged for an authorized service for over a month.
zad 2.
- [brak]
*The Air Cooler wasn't dismantled yesterday.
- Pompa paliwa zepsuła się jak tylko naprawiono zawór startowy.
* Fuel pump broke down as soon as the starting valve was repared.
- Jak często wymienia się uszczelki głowicy
* How often are head gaskets replaced?
- Uznano, że zniszczone zostały pierścienie tłoka.
* It is said that piston rings have been damaged.
Dziękuje za pomoc :)
3 a) zla forma czssownika
zad 2 brakuje przedimkow
1/3 za dużo zaimków.


Pomoc językowa - Sprawdzenie