Opis mojej pracy

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Witam bardzo serdecznie, prosiłbym o sprawdzenie mi mojej wypowiedzi o mojej pracy. Miałbym jeszcze prośbę, jeśli ktoś z Was wie jak jest po angielsku praca na 3 zmiany to może mi napisać. Będę bardzo wdzięczny za pomoc ;)
P.S w tekście musiało się pojawić kilka wyrazów z mojej książki tj: working the nine to five working day, have eye for detail and I must be good at figures, be able to meet tight deadlines.

I am working as a carpenter in a big factory. The company employes about 500 people. Every day I commute to work by car about seventeen kilometers. I work there two years. I'm working the nine to five working day. In this factory I work with wood and transport fabric. I drive a forklift truck. When I started I had to learn English and German because this languages would be necessary to operate the machines. In my job I have eye for detail and I must be good at figures because I make fabrics with accuracy to ten micrometer. Sometimes I work overtime. Sometimes I must work very fast and be able to meet tight deadlines. Disadvantages in this factory is a noise, I must wear earplugs. In my work place works friendly people who always help.The factory is so huge and I don't meet everyone people for tho years.
The company 'employes' (tu msz blad ortog slowo jest 'employs') about 500 people. Every day I commute to work by car 'about seventeen kilometers' (to mozna dac po slowo 'commute'). I HAVE BEEN workING there FOR two years.
When I started I had to learn English and German because 'this' (jak masz l. mnoga 'languages', to musi byc THESE) languages would be necessary to operate the machines. In my job I have AN eye for detail and I must be good at figures because I make fabrics with AN accuracy to ten micrometerS.
Disadvantages in this factory is 'a' THE noise, I must wear earplugs. In my work place work (works odnosi sie do 3os.l.poj, a tutaj masz 'people' to jest l. mn) friendly people who always help.The factory is so huge and I don't meet 'everyone people' (nie, tutaj masz zle, napisz 'every peron', albo 'everyone') for 'tho' (niepotr slowo) years.
Bardzo dziękuję za pomoc ;)


Grammar is fun

