Modal verbs + Perfect infinitive, strona bierna - sprawdzenie.

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
I. Paraphrase the following sentences uning Modal Verb + Perfect Infinitife:
1. I'm sure he didn't meet Claudia Schiffer.
He couldn't have met a Claudua Schiffer.
2. It was probably a girl that looked like her.
It could be girl that have looked like her.
3. It was wrong you didn;t exspain the problem to the boss.
You had better to have explained the problem to the boss.
4. I suppose he made a bad impression during the job interview
He could have made a bad impression during the job interview.
5. It wasn't necessary for you to include copies of your qualifications.
You needen't have included copies of your qualifications.
II. Transform the sentences from the Active Voice into the Passive:
1. First of all they produce a glass master copy.
A glass master copy is produced first.
2. They treated the discs with metallic coating and lecquer.
The discs were treated with metallic coating and lecquer.
3. They have cleverly designed this ultra-compact piece of furniture.
This ultra-compact piece of furnitur have beed cleverly designed.
4. You can lock the wheels one the unit is in position.
The wheels can be locked once the unit is in position.
5. They will connect the cylinder to small generator producting electricity.
The cylinder will be connected to small generator producting electricity.
Dziękuję z góry.
1. I'm sure he didn't meet Claudia Schiffer.
He couldn't have met a < -NIEPOTRZEBNY PRZEDIMEKClaudua Schiffer.
2. It was probably a girl that looked like her.
It could be A girl that have looked like her.< --ZLE, MASZ UZYC COULD W PRZESZLOSCI
3. It was wrong you didn;t exspain the problem to the boss.
You had better to have explained the problem to the boss.< --ZLE, UZYJ SHOULD
4. I suppose he made a bad impression during the job interview
He could have made a bad impression during the job interview.
5. It wasn't necessary for you to include copies of your qualifications.
You needen't have included copies of your qualifications.
II. Transform the sentences from the Active Voice into the Passive:
1. First of all they produce a glass master copy.
A glass master copy is produced first.< --FIRST OF ALL NA POCZATEK
2. They treated the discs with metallic coating and lecquer.
The discs were treated with metallic coating and lecquer.
3. They have cleverly designed this ultra-compact piece of furniture.
This ultra-compact piece of furnitur have--NIEGRAMATYCZNE beedN cleverly designed.
4. You can lock the wheels one the unit is in position.
The wheels can be locked once the unit is in position.
5. They will connect the cylinder to A small generator producting electricity.
The cylinder will be connected to A small generator producting electricity.
chyba ...producing electricity;]
edytowany przez Aaric: 21 cze 2015


Pomoc językowa - Sprawdzenie


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