2 zadania z FCE - prośba o sprawdzenie błędów i ocenę

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Witam, proszę o sprawdzenie błędów i ocenę poniższych dwóch zadań z przykładowego egzaminu FCE 2015.

Write your answer in 14[tel]words in an appropriate style on the separate answer sheet.
In your English class you have been talking about the environment. Now, your English teacher has asked you to write and essay.
Write an essay using all the notes and give reasons for your point of view.

Every country in the world has problems with pollution and damage to the environment.
Do you think these problems can be solved?

Write about:
1. transport
2. rivers and seas
3. .............. (your own idea)

Nowadays, the pollution and environmental damage wasn't so much serious problem for countries than never before. In my point of view we - as the people of the planet Earth - are able to solve this problem. There are just few simple things to do to help our environment.

Firstly, we need to encourage people to use public transportation. We produce too much unnecessarily waste by driving to our work or school by our car. Instead, we should go to work or school by bus so that one vehicle full of people will produce less waste than many vehicles which would be driven by just one person per vehicle.

Secondly, factories must be forced not to drop their waste and litter to rivers and seas. Moreover, the factories and corporations connected with gasoline had better make their work more secure because according to latest studies much waste is generated by mistakes. Protecting water's environment is as much important as land environment.

Last but not least thing to do is to teach people not to set fire on their toxic litter. This is extremaly important because according to recent research about pollution this is the major problem of today's big cities.

To sum up, although this is hard goal to achieve, I believe we are able to manage it.

Write your answer in 14[tel]words in an appropriate style on the separate answer sheet.
You have received this email from your English-speaking friend David.

From: David
Subject: touring holiday

Some college friends of mine are visiting your area soo for a week's touring holiday. They would like to travel around and learn about your local area and its history.

Can you tell me about some of the places they could visit? What's the best way to travel around - car, bike or coach?


Dear David,

Thanks for your e-mail. It's pleasure to help you.

I think that they should definitely go and see Cracow. It's a beautiful city full of castles, museums and other worth-seeing things. If you were going to choose Cracow, I would recommend you to get there by bus. However, when you will be already in Cracow it's good to travel there by bike because of excellent infrastructure. There are many bike lanes and bike rental places. I'm sure your colleagues would enjoy it.

The second place that I would recommend is Olkusz. This is a nice middle-size city where I live. There are many facilities such as cinemas, gym centres, shopping malls, beautiful gardens, nightclubs, etc. Of course, in Olkusz you can find many museums and points of tourists' interest as well. There used to be a place where you could rent a bike but now it's closed. However, I can share some of my bikes with your colleagues because although we have many bus lanes, I wouldn't recommend them. In my opinion the best way to travel around in Olkusz is to travel by bike.

I'm looking forward to hearing from you soon.

Best wishes,

Proszę o pomoc,
Nowadays, the pollution and environmental damage wasn't so much serious problem for countries than never before. In my point of view we - as the people of the planet Earth - are able to solve this problem.
= Obecnie, to zanieczyszczenie i zniszczenie środowiska nie był tak bardzo poważnym problemem dla krajów niż nigdy przedtem. W moim punkcie widzenia my - jako ludzie planety Ziemia - jesteśmy w stanie rozwiązać ten problem.

Możesz to poprawić?
edytowany przez mg: 25 cze 2015
Nowadays, pollution and destruction of the environment constitutes a very serious problem. In my opinion we are able to solve this.

P.S. Przede wszystkim zależy mi na ocenie i wytknięciu błędów, ta rozprawka ani list nie musi być napisany super, po prostu chcę znać ocenę i błędy, żebym nie robił ich w następnych wypracowaniach.
edytowany przez Defozo: 25 cze 2015
Nowadays, the pollution and environmental damage wasn't so much serious problem for countries than never before. In my point of view we - as the people of the planet Earth - are able to solve this problem. There are just few = NIEWIELE simple things to do to help our environment.

Firstly, we need to encourage people to use public transportation. We produce too much unnecessarily=NIEPOTRZEBNIE waste by driving to our work or school by our
It's (brak przedimka) pleasure to help you.

I think that 'they' (nie wiem o kim mowa, musisz napisac wyrazniej) should definitely go and see Cracow.
If 'you' (najpierw mowisz o 'they' a pozniej o 'you', a polecenie jest wyraznie napisane o 'friends of mine') were going to choose Cracow, I would recommend 'you' (popaw) to get there by bus. However, when 'you' (popraw) 'will be' (zle, tutaj 'are') 'already' (niepotr) in Cracow it's good to travel there by bike because of (brak przedimka) excellent infrastructure.
There are many facilities such as cinemas, gym centres, shopping malls, beautiful gardens, nightclubs, 'etc' (nie wiem, jak mozna napisac 'recommend an etc' - co to jest? ). Of course, in Olkusz you can find many museums and 'points of tourists' interest' (zly szyk, mozna 'points to interest the tourists) as well.

Polecenie bylo o 'friends/colleagues' - musisz uwazac i dokladnie odpowiadac na to co wymagaja.
no i prosze, reszte mojej odpowiedzi znowu ucielo.
Co na to administracja?
Cytat: mg
no i prosze, reszte mojej odpowiedzi znowu ucielo.
Co na to administracja?

Administracja poszla na piwo....
We produce too much unnecessarily waste by driving to our work or school by 'our' (wg mnie niepotr slowo) car. Instead, we should go to work or school by bus so that (tutaj brakuje pare slow) one vehicle full of people will produce less waste than many vehicles 'which would be driven by just one person per vehicle' (cos tu nie tak. Zdanie nie jest latwo do odczytania. Chcesz powiedziec za duzo, zamiast kolejno tlumazyc o co chodzi).

Secondly, factories must be forced 'not to drop' (nieladnie, cos tu nie tak) their waste and litter 'to' IN rivers and seas. Moreover, the factories and corporations connected with gasoline 'had better' (nie, to jest zle uzyte....tutaj wypadala by strona bierna...) make their work more secure because according to (brak przedimka) latest studies much waste is generated by 'mistakes' ( zle slowo tutaj, waste nie jest mistake, tylko sposob w jaki oni eliminuja ten waste). Protecting water's environment is as 'much' (niepotr) important as land environment.(tutaj to zdanie nie jest pelne, nie wiem co ma 'land environment' do tego...czy tez jego trzeba 'protect'?)

Last (tutaj daj przecinek, bo wg mnie, zawsze przed 'but' ma byc przecinek) but not least (brak przedimka) thing to do is to teach people not to set fire 'on' (zle slowo, tutaj TO) their toxic litter. This is 'extremaly' (blad ortog - nie rob tego) important because according to recent research about pollution this is the major problem of today's big cities.

To sum up, although this is (przedimek) hard goal to achieve, I believe we are able to manage 'it' (nie za bardzo wiem do czego to 'it' sie odnosi - do 'goal' - to nie jest jasne tutaj)

Pamietaj o przedimkach (a, an, the). Nie komplikuj sobie zycia z bardzo dlugimi zdaniami. Daj niekiedy dlugie, ale niekiedy krotkie - ale wszystko tak, zeby czytajacy wiedzial co masz na mysli.
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.


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