Sprawdzenie/korekta tłumaczeń zdań.

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Dobrze są te zdania?

1.What else did you bring to the classroom except your books?
1.Odp. Moreover I brought to the classroom notebooks, pencil case as well as school equipment.
2. What did I tell in the beginning of the lesson?
2.Odp. You told that we should not disturb you during a lesson.
3. What more did I tell?
3.Odp. You told that we have to make notes too.
Wersja 1: Will you come to the lesson if you do not feel well ?
Wersja 2: Would you be a bit surprised if I came here with the headmaster?
Wersja 1: I will not come to the lesson if I feel bad.
Wersja 2: I would not come to the lesson if I felt bad.
Wersja 1: Will you be a bit surprised if I come here with the headmaster?
Wersja 2: Would you be a bit surprised if I came here with the headmaster?
5. Odp.
Wersja 1: Yes, I will be surprised.
Wersja 2: Yes, I would be surprised.
6. Do you think that Englishmen will understand you despite your Polish accent?
6. Odp. Yes, I think that they will understand me well.
7. Did you learn English before you came to this school?
7.Odp. No, in the previous schooI I learned French.
1. ok
1.Odp. 'Moreover' (slowo calkowicie nie pasuje, nie myslales o tym, tylko o Besides...) I brought to the classroom notebooks, pencil case as well as school equipment.
2. What did I tell (komu? czemu? trzeba napisac) 'in' (le slowo) the beginning of the lesson?
2.Odp. You told (komu? znajomemu? musisz napisac) that we should not disturb you during a lesson.
3. What more did I tell (tutaj brakuje komu?, mozna tez...what else did I say?)?
3.Odp. You told (komu?) that we have to make notes too.
Wersja 1: ok
Wersja 2: ok
Wersja 1: I will not come to the lesson if I feel 'bad' (to jest wg mnie kolokw...lepiej 'unwell') .
Wersja 2: I would not come to the lesson if I felt 'bad' (unwell?).
Wersja 1: Will you be a bit surprised if I 'come' (zle slowo, tutaj 'came') here with the headmaster?
Wersja 2: ok
5. Odp.
Wersja 1: Yes, I will be surprised.....a reszta?
Wersja 2: Yes, I would be surprised.(mozna ...at that) (by that)...
6. ok
6. Odp. Yes, I think that they will understand me well. (tutaj trzeba dodac....nawet z akcentem)
7. ok
7.Odp. No, in the previous schooI I learned (wg mnie trzeba dodac 'only')French.
np British people zamiast Englishmen;)
2. What did I tell (komu? czemu? trzeba napisac) 'in' (le slowo) the beginning of the lesson?
2.Odp. You told (komu? znajomemu? musisz napisac) that we should not disturb you during a lesson.
3. What more did I tell (tutaj brakuje komu?, mozna tez...what else did I say?)?
3.Odp. You told (komu?) that we have to make notes too.

tego nie rozumiem jak mam to poprawić? O co chodzi z tym komu czemu?
masz zamienic 'tell' na 'say', bo mowimy 'tell somebody'
2.Odp. You said that we should not disturb you during a lesson.
3. What more did I say?
3.Odp. You said that we have to make notes too.

teraz ok?
more może ujdzie, ja bym dał else.
tak, daj else
Yes, I will be surprised.....a reszta?

Mam pytanie jeszcze do tego bo pytasz gdzie reszta a to co napisałam to jest cała odpowiedź to tak nie może zostać?
napisz odpowiedz pelnym zdaniem, dżizasssss
Tak byłbym zaskoczony gdyby Pani przyszła na lekcję z panią dyrektor.

Yes, I will be surprised if you came to the lesson here with the headmaster.

Cytat: wloch66cd
Tak byłbym zaskoczony gdyby Pani przyszła na lekcję z panią dyrektor.
Yes, I will be surprised if you came to the lesson here with the headmaster.

NIE. Musisz uzyc 'would be' dlatego, ze tutaj tylko 'przypuszczasz' ze bedziesz.
To would be mam wstawić zamiast if?
I WOULD BE surprised if you came ...
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.


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