My first week in college.

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Prosze, czy ktos ma czas sprawdzic moje zadanie???

POLECENIE: Write about your first week in college? Did you make new friends? Describe your friends? Did you like your class? Describe your classroom? Did you learn new things? Do you understand your induction?

My first week in college was absolutely fantastic. I met new people from another country.
The people that I'm going to describe are amazing. The people are very friendly, helpful and patience.
Everyone have our interesting life story. We started talking and we were soon good colleague.
I like my class. My classroom is very interactive. We have a new black bord and computers.
I learnt new things such as treat everyone with respect, work in a group and practice the new words and words even you know them, because practise makes perfect.
Yes,I do. I'm understand my induction.
edytowany przez gabrysia3103: 02 paź 2015
patience - cierpliwość
everyone have - musisz zmienic forme 'have', zeby bylo gramatycznie
our - nasza
lepiej: we became good colleagues
such as treating..., working
new words
lepiej: words that you already know
zdecyduj sie, czy piszesz practiSe, czy practiCe
I'm understand -niegramatyczne, jestem rozumieć
na pewno rozumiesz to 'induction'? bo ja nie wiem, o co chodzi :-)
friends, nie colleagues
Ja to zrozumialam tak ze np. Jak idziesz na silownie to masz induction tzn takie szkolenie
My first week in college was absolutely fantastic. I met new people from another country.
The people that I'm going to describe are amazing. The people are very friendly and helpful.
Everyone had their interesting life story. We started talking and we bacame good friends.
I like my class. My classroom is very interactive. We have a new blackbord and computers.
I learnt new things such as treating everyone with respect, working in a group and practice the new words and words that you already know, because practice makes perfect.
Yes,I do. I understand my induction.
Dziekuje za wszystkie poprawki..
Milego wieczoru..
Nazywają różnie, 'welcome week, student orientation week, 'induction (week). Myślę że o to chodzi w tym zadaniu. Naprawdę ostatnie pytanie tak brzmiało?
Tak naprawde.. sama tego niewymyslilam bo tez mialam problem z tym slowem :) ..
edytowany przez gabrysia3103: 03 paź 2015
Everyone had their (tutaj dodalabym 'own') interesting life story.
I learnt new things such as treating everyone with respect, working in a group and 'practice' (dlatego ze ja to bardzo lubie symmetry, jak masz 'working' z 'ing' to dlaczego zmieniasz drugi czasownik na cos innego) the new words and words that 'you' (ty? chyba masz na mysli 'my') already know, because practice makes perfect.
Dziekuje za poprawki moja nauczycielka tez mi napisala o zmianie tego czasownika :)...
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.