e-mail. sprawdzenie

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Czesc. Czy moglby ktos sprawdzic?

Dear Mum and Dad,
Sorry I haven't written (1*) in a while, but things are crazy here. I can't believe it was (2*) 6 months ago that I left and we haven't seen (3*) for that long.
The trip has been (4*) fantastic so far, at least until a few days ago, when things have taken (5*) a turn for the worse. We arrived (6*) in Istanbul and checked (7*) into the first hotel we saw (8*). Now, you know I have stayed (9*) in a lot of one-star hotels in my life, but this one was (10*) really bad, so we went (11*) straight out to see the city.
Unfortunately, we have forgotten (12*) to lock our room, and when we got back (13*) our luggagr and most of our money was gone. We have called (14*) the police several times since then, but no one handed (15*) in any of our things.

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