Pomoc językowa - sprawdzenie

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Proszę o sprawdzenie letter of complaint

Dear Sir/Madam
I am writing to express my strong dissatisfaction with holidays orginised by your travel agency. The case concers holidays in Greece.
First of all, I would like to draw your attention to the fact that the travel itself was very badly organised . We did not recieve hot meal during the road and skipped visitnig funfair which was mentioned in brouchure. Journey by coach, which was suppose to last two days, took three and a half day just because we had break-down.
As if this was not enough, the hotel that we stayed in did not match the decription.We were suppose to be accomodated in "all exclusive" modern hotel near the beach, but we were offerd neglected hostel about 2 km from mentioned earlier beach. In addiotion our tour representative ignored every complaint that he recieved, which was very inconvinient beacuse I could not solve the problem with hotel manager on my own, because I did not know the language .
I personally reckon that you should have introduce changes in your travel agency.
The price of the trips like those which I attended should be a lot lower .The staff which was uncommunicative should be upskilled immediately.
I look forward to your prompt reply
Yours faithfully,
Popracuj nad tym sam. Przynajmniej przemiel text przez jakiś 'spell check' i popraw literówki i sprobuj sam uzupełnic brakujące przedimki. Albo zaczekaj na terri. Ona tobie napisze gdzie i jak poprawić i nie będziesz musiał paluszkiem kiwnąć:)))
Ja tylko zwroce uwage gdzie sa bledy, ale nie bede ich poprawiac na dobre.
A do tego jestem wsciekla, bo I'm being dragged kicking and screaming into the XX century, tak ze nie za bardzo mam czas na tlumaczenie oczywistych spraw.

Dear Sir/Madam (a gdzie przecinek? poszedl sobie na wakacje?)
I am writing to express my strong dissatisfaction with (tu cos brak) holidays orginised by your travel agency. The case concers holidays in Greece. (ale kiedy to chyba jest jakas panstwowa tajemnica...)
We did not 'recieve' (od kiedy to slowo tak piszemy...it is I before E except after C...naucz sie tego - i chociaz sa wypadki, to generalnie tak jest) (a gdzie przedimek?) hot meal during the 'road' (tego to nawet nie rozumiem) and (kto? co? pies? kot?) skipped 'visitnig' (ortog) (brak przedimka) funfair which was mentioned in (przedimek) 'brouchure' (k. po jakiemu to jest- czlowieku, cz siebie czy nas nie szanujesz, bo k. nawet nie sprawdzasz slow ktore piszesz tak byle jak). (brak przedimka) Journey by coach, which was suppose to last two days, took three and a half 'day' (tutaj l. mnoga) just because we had (przedimek) break-down.
As if this was not enough, the hotel that we stayed in did not match the 'decription' (ortog). We were suppose to be 'accomodated' (sprawdz ortog) in (przedimek) "all exclusive" modern hotel near the (przedimek) beach, but we were 'offerd' (ortog) (przedimek) neglected hostel about 2 km from (przedimek) mentioned earlier beach. In 'addiotion' (ortog) our tour representative ignored every complaint that he 'recieved,' (ortog) which was very 'inconvinient' (ortog) 'beacuse' (chyba moje favourite - tego slowa tak sie nie pisalo, nie pisze i nigdy nie bedzie pisalo) I could not solve the problem with (przedimek) hotel manager on my own, because I did not know the language .
I personally 'reckon' (troche za kolokw) that you should 'have' (nie wiem dlaczego to slowo tutaj jest, jest niepotr) introduce changes in your travel agency.
The 'staff ' (rozumiem ze 'staff' to ludzie, a o ludziach to piszemy WHO) 'which' (zle slowo) was uncommunicative should be 'upskilled' (ciekawe slowo, chociaz to ma sens, ale lepiej napisac tak, zeby kazdy zrozumial) immediately.
I look forward to your prompt reply (a gdzie kropka na koniec zdania? Niepotrzebna?)