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Proszę o sprawdzenie tekstu :
My special journey were to France. It was in last holiday. I went to this journey with my parents. We were flew/flying to Paris. My dad had chosen the destination. For the journey I prepared one baggage and backpack. When we were visiting Marseille i lost my sunglasses. I was looking them but didn't find. The weather was beautiful but to hot. My joruney ended in Paris where my parents bought me new pair of sunglasses and new clothes. I was happy because of new items which i got and beacuse i was abroad.
Cytat: hortex96
Proszę o sprawdzenie tekstu :
My special journey were BYŁY? to France. It was in ZLE SLOWO, NAPISZ 'PODCZAS MOICH' last holiday. I went to ZLE SLOWO this journey with my parents. We were flew/flying OBIE PROPOZYCJE ZLE to Paris. My dad had chosen the destination. For the journey I prepared one baggage NIE MOWI SIE 'JEDEN BAGAŻ' and backpack. When we were visiting Marseille i lost my sunglasses. I was looking ZLY CZAS I BRAK SLOWA PRZED THEM them but didn't find. The weather was beautiful but to ORTOGR. hot. My joruney ended in Paris PRZECINEK where my parents bought me PRZEDIMEK new pair of sunglasses and new clothes. I was happy because of WITH THE new items which i got and beacuse i was abroad.


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