Write about your experiences od DIY.

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.

Polecenie : Write about your experiences of DIY. 

Last time, I with my fiance made coffee table out of an old pallet. We needed: 

-one pallet

-scrub, brush and soap

-four hinges

-four casters

-wood glue



-sand paper


All the necessary elements we found in the DIY warehouse. We found on a backyard an old wood pallet to recycle. I used to stardy brush to clean a pallet with soap and water. We decided how our table to look and what size we like. David removed the center bean and cut pallet in half. 

First, I tried a manual hand saw, but there were bad idea. Then we tried  fretsaw and there was a good idea. We inverted half of the pallet and stock the other half on top. We mixed glue with wood glue and clamp tightly. 

While it was clamped we screw hinges. We inverted table, and my fiance added casters. On the end we used a clear satin that dried lighter than it looks nice.
Last time, I with my fiance AND I made PRZEDIMEK coffee table out of an old pallet. We needed: 

-vanish = ZNIKAĆ

WE FOUND All the necessary elements we found in the W KTORYM, BO NIE WIEM? ZLY PRZEDIMEK DIY warehouse. We found IN, BO TO JEST POWIERZCHNIA a backyard an old wood pallet to recycle. I used to stardy NIEROZUMIEM brush to clean a pallet with soap and water. We decided how our table to POWINIEN look and what size we likeD. David removed the center bean and cut PRZEDIMEK pallet in half. 

First, I tried a manual hand saw, but there were ZLY PODMIOT I BRAK PRZEDIMKA bad idea. Then we tried  PRZEDIMEK fretsaw and there ZLY PODMIOT was a good idea. We inverted half of the pallet and stock ZLE SLOWO LUB ZLA FORMA CZASOWNIKA the other half on top. We mixed glue with wood glue and clamp TO JEST BEZOKOLICZNIK tightly. 

While it was clamped we screw TO JEST CZAS TERAZNIEJSZY I UZYJ SLOWA 'PRZYMOCOWAC' hinges. We inverted ZLY CZASOWNIK, NAPISZ 'ODWROCILISMY DO GORY NOGAMI', ZNAJDZ TO W SLOWNIKU PRZEDIMEK table, and my fiance added PRZEDIMEK casters. On the end FINALLY we used a clear satin that dried lighter than it looks nice NIE ROZUMIEM: WYSUSZYLA SIE JASNIEJ NIZ LADNIE WYGLADA.
sand paper
center bean
rola 'hinges' w tym projekcie?
hinges - może to składany stolik?
We mixed glue with wood glue... mieliście dwa rodzaje klejów?

Last time, my fiance and I made a coffee table out of an old pallet.
We needed:

We found all the necessary elements in the DIY warehouse. We found in a backyard an old wood pallet to recycle. I used a brush to clean a pallet with soap and water. We decided how our table should to look and what size we like. David removed the center bean and cut a pallet in half.

First, I tried a manual hand saw, but this was a bad idea. Then we tried a fretsaw and this was a good idea. We inverted half of the pallet and stocked the other half on top. We mixed glue with wood glue and clamped tightly. Finally we painted the surface with wood satin. now we have a unique coffee table.

While it is clamp we fasten hinges. We turn the table upside down, and my fiance added a casters. On the finally we painted the surface with wood satin. Now, we have unique a coffee table.
edytowany przez gabrysia3103: 08 kwi 2016
Kiedys moj tata robil taki stolik i on pomieszal kleje bo mial malo tego do drewna.. i chyba dlatego tak napisalam:)
ostatnio = recently, nie zauwazylem tego wczesniej (last time = ostatnim razem)
to nie byl jedyny sklep na swiecie, zly przedimek
pallet - za drugim razem juz wiadomo, o ktora chodzi, zmien przedimki
jaka forma czasownika ma byc po should
liked, przeciez poprawilem
bean = fasola
invert zle slowo - zamienilas raz, ale trzeba to zmienic wszedzie (czyli jeszcze jeden raz)
clamped the two parts tightly
w ostatnim akapicie wszystko ma byc w czasie przeszlym
nie moze byc 'a' przed liczba mnoga
czemu nie skreslilas on the
Dzieki wielki za wszystko.. specjalnie edytowalam zeby poprawin to ON THE FINALLY ale mi nie zmienilo.. na swoim zadaniu juz zmienilam na: Finally we painted the surface with wood satin..
jeszcze raz wielkie DZIEKUJE..
manual hand saw nie mogę sobie tego wyobrazić. fretsaw też może być 'ręczna'
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.


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