Proszę o sprawdzenie

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
These days scarity of water is a big problem. There are a lot of countries where water is in short supply. People don't have water to drink or they drink dirty water which is really dangerous. So what can we solve this problem?

One solution is to save water. People really often wasting water, for example: they don't turn off the tap during brushing teeth. Advertising campaigns can raise public awareness of water issues. As a result people will begin paying attention to consumed water what would reduce its almount.
przecinek przed which
what how can we solve this problem?
people really often wasting water - zły czas i niegramatyczne
;for example,
tooth brushing
what which would reduce its amount
Twój 'niedostatek' jest formą od 'scarCe'
np, 'during teeth brushing'
edytowany przez Aaric: 26 kwi 2016
jak woda bedzie kosztowac tyle co 'zloto' to ludzie beda wtedy oszczedzac...
Well, I'm afraid it'll never come @Terri. At least I 've still got some " fiery water " remained after yesterday's evening. ( and what is better-known as 'vodka') . I've noticed that it also has water in it.)
>>>>I've noticed that it also has water in it.....(but very little, the rest is pure alcohol)
These days 'scarity' (blad ortog) of water is a 'big' (jak ja nie lubie tego slowa, jest mnostwo innych dokladniej okreslajacych tego co chcesz powiedziec, a wszyscy tylko 'big, big i big...moze 'worrying, terrifying') problem.
People don't have (tutaj wypadaloby dac slowo 'clean') water to drink or they drink dirty water which is really dangerous. So what can we DO TO solve this problem? (prosze pisac troche uwazniej)

One solution is (ale komu? tutaj trzeba napisac, ze to sami ludzie musza to zrobic...for people) to save water. People really often 'wasting' (zle slowo) water, for example: they don't turn off the tap during 'brushing teeth' (jak wyzej - popraw) Advertising campaigns can raise public awareness of (brak przedimka) water issues. As a result people 'will' (dla mnie to jest za silne slowo, tutaj mnie pasuje 'might, would) begin paying attention to consumed water 'what' (znowu ta kalka 'co' z polskiego, ale tak po ang nie mowimy, tutaj 'which') would reduce 'its' (dla mnie to nie pasuje, lepiej nic nie pisac) THE 'almount' (blad ortog) (na koncu dalabym 'used').
but very little, the rest is pure alcohol)

and perhaps that's why I was feeling more at ease . I just forgot about the things getting me down.
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.