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Having had seen the announcement of The Northgate Town Planning Department about the intention to build houses on the place commonly known as Northgate Common I decided to write an article in which I am going to explain why I am opposed to this plan.
In the announcement wchich I saw they wrote about the consultation with local residents. I am very concerned with that because as a memer of the local resident's comittee I cannot remember being informed about that consultation so I could not take part in this and express my views. The next thing which made me very confused is the depiction of this area as "unused" while Northgate Common is a popular parkland especially among the youngest where they can play, walk and meet. I have serious doubts about the term in which building is supposed to be started, in my and many other's opinions three months is definitely too short to think it out and discuss thoroughly. Also I would like to suggest building cheap housing and public gardens for local people instead of expensive private residences which they cannot afford generally.
I hope The Northgate Town Planing Department will consider things which I mentioned in my article and come up with a solution which is acceptable for both sides.
Having had seen the announcement of The Northgate Town Planning Department about the intention to build houses on the place commonly known as Northgate Common (tutaj ja dalabym przecinek, bo teraz rozruszasz nowy temat)I decided to write an article in which I am going to explain why I am opposed to this plan.
In the announcement 'wchich' (blad ortog, 'which) I saw 'they' (they - to jacyz nieznany ktos tam, lepiej 'the reporters, your correspondents - cos takiego) wrote about 'the' (niepotr slowo) consultation with local residents. I am very concerned 'with' (moze lepsze slowo 'about') that because as a memer of the local resident's 'comittee' (blad ortog) I cannot remember being informed about 'that' (moze lepiej 'any') consultation so (tutaj mozna dodac effect) I could not take part in this and express my views. The next thing which made me very confused is the depiction of this area as (ja tutaj dodalabym 'being') "unused" while Northgate Common is a popular parkland especially among the youngest where they can play, walk and meet. I have serious doubts about the 'term' (nie, bo tutaj nie jest zrozumiale, moze 'time') in which (brak przedimka) building is supposed to be started, in my and many other's opinions three months is definitely too short (a time) 'to think it out and discuss thoroughly' (ja bym to dala inaczej..for public consultation and thorough examination). Also I would like to suggest building cheap housing and public gardens for local people instead of (building) expensive private residences which 'they' (to slowo jest mylace, the rich can afford them, i dlatego trzeba napisac 'the majority) cannot afford generally.
I hope The Northgate Town Planing Department will consider 'things' (nie, staraj sie nie uzywac tego slowa, tutaj sa 'points, issues, the concerns) which I mentioned in my article and 'come up with' (to ejst kolokw - nie pasuje do tak powaznego listu, tutaj 'find, discover) a solution which is acceptable for both sides.

Jak sam napisales to b. dobrze.
having had seen the announcement ...


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