
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Dzień dobry, mogę prosić o sprawdzenie rozprawki? Temat: Podniesienie minimalnego wieku do zdawania prawka. Wady i zalety tego pomysłu.

We all know that nowadays having a driving livense is very useful. We can go wherever we want. Of course, also young people want to be independent, consequently they pass an driving exam as soon as possible. But if the current minimal age is suitable to driving a car?

Everyone knows tha older persons are more responsible. They care of self and other humans on a road. Young people very often want to be admire by rest of group of teenagers., so then, they are very self-confident what is dangerous for other drivers. Another advantage to raise the minimal age to driving are finances. When someone is older, he can earn money for self without family's help. For instance, my friend Tom went to work when he was 18 years old, and after 3 years he had enough money for driving exam and a new car.

Unfortunately, raise the minimal age has disadvantages too.
First of all, young people without driving licences have to ask their parents for a lift. Is is very uncomfortable, because when parents are at work, teenagers have to stay at home. For example, two days ago my friend Bob did not go for his girlfriend's birthday, because noone could lift him to her. Furthermore, if we have the driving license very fast, we will gain the necessary experience to driving a car. Nowadays are a lot of accidents due to lack of driving's skills No doubt, the sonner we have the driving license, the better for our knowledge about driving a car.

To sum up, it seems that raise the minimal age to driving a car has as many disadvantages as positive aspects. In my opinion, we should not change the minimal age, because when drivers are experienced, roads are safer.
edytowany przez Maturzysta2016: 30 kwi 2016
'We all know' (za silne, ludzie zyjacy w Amazonian jungle tego na pewno nie wiedza) that nowadays having a driving 'livense' (ortog) is very useful. 'We' (dlaczego od razu 'we' - ja z toba nigdzie nie bede jechac) can go wherever we want. Of course, 'also' (z czym to sie laczy) young people want to be independent, consequently they (tutaj brakuje, bo ustawiasz ze za pierwszym razem oni to dadza rade zrobic, a tak nie jest) pass 'an' (zly przedimek, tutaj A) driving exam as soon as possible. But 'if' (zle slowo) the current minimal age 'is' (niepotrz) suitable to driving a car?

Everyone knows 'tha' (ortog) older 'persons' (dxziwnie, tutaj 'people') are more responsible (ale nie wszyscy, sa ludzie ponad 70 krtorzy zachowuje sie gorzej jak mlodziency). They care 'of' (zle slowo, moze 'for) self and other humans on 'a' (zly przedimek (the) road. Young people very often want to be 'admire' (zly czas, tutaj 'admireD) by (brak przedimka) rest of (cos brak) group of teenagers, 'so then' (nie rozumiem po co to tutaj jest), they are very self-confident 'what' (kalka z polekisgo 'co, napisz ang. odpowiednie slowo) is dangerous for other drivers. Another advantage 'to raise' (ja dalabym to 'in raising) the minimal age 'to' (for) driving are finances. When someone is older, 'he' (a dlaczego nie 'she'? Czy kobiety juz nie pracuja? od kiedy?) can earn money for self without (dalabym przedimka) family's help. For instance, my friend Tom went to work when he was 18 years old, and after 3 years he had enough money for (brak przedimka) driving exam and a new car.

Unfortunately, raisING the minimal age has disadvantages too.
For example, two days ago my friend Bob did not go for his girlfriend's birthday, because 'noone' (to sa 2 slowa) could 'lift him to her' (nie, to jest zle...give him a lift TO her). Furthermore, if we have the driving license very 'fast' (zle slowo, tutaj 'quickly'), we will gain the necessary experience 'to' (zle slowo, IN) driving a car. Nowadays THERE are a lot of accidents due to lack of 'driving's' (co to za slowo, napisz to poprawnie) skills No doubt, the 'sonner' (blad ortog) we have the driving license(,) (nie rozumiem dlaczego tu jest przecinek) the better for our knowledge about driving a car.

To sum up, it seems that raisING the minimal age 'to' FOR driving a car has as many disadvantages as positive aspects.
Bardzo Ci dziękuję, mam jednak kilka pytań:
- Przedimek do "driving exam" odnosi się do exam czy do driving?
- "Young people very often want to be 'admire' (zly czas, tutaj 'admireD) - chodziło o stronę bierną?
- " ... group of teenagers, 'so then' (nie rozumiem po co to tutaj jest) - chodziło mi o: więc wtedy
- "they are very self-confident 'what' (kalka z polekisgo 'co, napisz ang. odpowiednie slowo) is dangerous for other drivers. - chodzi o "Which"?
-"When someone is older, 'he' (a dlaczego nie 'she'? Czy kobiety juz nie pracuja? od kiedy?) can earn money for self " - W takim razie mógłbym opuścić podmiot? Od razu po older napisać earn?
- "The sonner" - Powinienem napisać przez dwa o? "sooner"?

Jeszcze raz bardzo Ci dziękuję.
1 poczytaj o przedimkach
2 tak
3 nie rozumiem tego zdania; 'wiec wtedy' jest dla mnie nielogiczne
4 tak
5 nie, she/her lub they
6 zajrzyj do słownika
Dziękuję, jednakże nie rozumiem punktu 5.

Weżmy to zdanie:
Jeśli ktoś jest starszy, on może zarabiać dla siebie. Wtedy jak przetłumaczyć to "on"?
they can earn money for themselves
'minimal age' ja bym zmienił formę
Wtedy to zdanie byłoby tak?: When someone is older, they can earn money for themselves?
Cytat: Maturzysta2016
Wtedy to zdanie byłoby tak?: When someone is older, they can earn money for themselves?

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.


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