cechy nauczyciela po angielsku

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Czy te zdania są poprawnie napisane?

According to me, the teacher should have a good approach to the student. The first feature that you should have the teacher is justice. Should evaluate students equally. The teacher should be favorable for students, which can affect the good relations between students and the teacher. An important feature of the teacher is too patient. A very important feature of the teacher should be a sense of humor, because with such a teacher is working better.
nie używamy 'according to me', druga część zdania też źle.
The first feature that you should have the A teacher SHOULD HAVE is justice np TO BE FAIR.
na resztę zdań może spojrzę trochę później.
(ale kto? pies? kot? musisz napisac) should evaluate students equally. The teacher should be 'favorable for' (to jest zle) students, 'which' (to jest calkocicie zle slowo, tutaj musisz potwierdzic ze to wlasnie ma waznosc, ale nie tak jak ty to napisalas) can affect the good 'relations' (nie, slowo 'relationship') between students and the teacher. An important feature of the teacher is 'too patient' (co? piszesz ze nauczyciele maja za duzo ...to zdanie przekazuje calkowicie cos innego nic masz na mysli)( A very important feature of the teacher should be a sense of humor, because with such a teacher (ale kto? nieznajomy kolega?) 'is working better' (to jest zle, napisz to biernie)
zamiast tego 'favorable for' dobrze będzie "friendly for" ?
'which' tego słowa nie wiem jak zastąpić
'friendly FOR' nie
Uważam tak,
'nauczyciel nie powinien być zbyt friendly... ponieważ ...
edytowany przez Aaric: 14 maj 2016
a bez tego for będzie ok?
trzeba zastąpić 'for' innym przyimkiem
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.